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Jul 16, 2020, 5 tweets

5 Facts that will blow your mind.

The Earth has no moons. 'The Moon', according to most recent scientific thinking, is now outside the definition of 'moon' and is actually a binary planet.

2. Everybody - even the uneducated - in medieval times knew the Earth was a sphere. Probably since the 4th century BC, in fact.

The 'Flat Earth' idea seems to have come from the American writer Washington Irving in 1829.

3. At the 'Southern Pole of Inaccessibility' - the loneliest place on the planet, there is one object to mark the spot - a bust of Lenin. It's been there since Russian explorers reached the spot in 1958.

4. You might have heard of the 'Seven Seas' but it never existed as an entity.

The Earth has 5 oceans (NOAA) (or technically, one big one) .. or just 4, as the 'Antarctic Ocean' still has to be officially recognised as such by the IHO.

And 5. : The Earth does not have 2 Poles.

There are 2 geographic poles, 2 geomagnetic poles, 2 magnetic poles, 2 poles of inaccessibility, 2 celestial poles, and 1 ceremonial south pole.


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