Tyler Pasciak LaRiviere Profile picture
Photojournalist in Chicago. Staff Visual Journalist with @Suntimes send tips and hate at tlariviere@suntimes.com.

Jul 24, 2020, 19 tweets

Here at the Christopher Columbus statue at Roosevelt and Columbus with most of Chicagos media after we got word that the city plans to tear the statue down at 11:00 P.M. tonight. #Chicago #ChicagoProtests

Hearing conflicting reports now that the Statue will come down but not tonight.

A cop on scene was overheard saying "they let the cat out of the bag on this one, it won't happen tonight"

#Chicago #ChicagoProtests

John Catanzara is here on scene at the Columbus Statue at Columbus and Roosevelt wearing an Italia Jacket calling the Mayor a "coward".

#Chicago #ChicagoProtests

A man on scene whos upset about this decision to remove the statue is yelling "What legal authority does the mayor have to remove this statue?"

#Chicago #ChicagoProtests

Theres an argument between a man wearing a vagina costume and a man walking his dog about the removal of the Christopher Columbus Statue. #Chicago #ChicagoProtests

Cops are using crime tape to tape off the area that media, cops and supporters are hanging out at near the Columbus Statue. #Chicago #ChicagoProtests

I'm personally calling it tonight, I don't think its coming down as they have to remove this fencing then get a crane and flatbed truck over here.

My colleague @sgonzalezkelly is here just in case something happens. So follow him and get updates.

#Chicago #ChicagoProtests

PHOTO: Lightfoot orders removal of statues of Christopher Columbus, alderman says, read more from @TomSchuba here @Suntimes...


#Chicago #ChicagoProtests

I've returned and crews are here about to remove the Christopher Columbus statue. #Chicago #ChicagoProtests

Crews are currently tying cables and ropes to the statue now. #Chicago #Columbus

The statue is now strapped to the crane looks like its going to be pulled very soon. #Chicago #Columbus

Somethings happened and the statue kind of started to collapse while crews were near it. #Chicago #Columbus

Crews are fine and continuing to remove the statue. #Chicago #Columbus

The Columbus Statue in Chicago has been removed. #Chicago #Columbus

Statue came down almost exactly at 3:00 A.M. #Chicago #Columbus

Protesters supporting the removal of the statue just cheered for Glen Brooks. #Chicago #Columbus

PHOTOS: Christopher Columbus statue taken down hours after Lightfoot ordered its removal, read more here @Suntimes...


#Chicago #Columbus

‘Monuments to white supremacy’ vs. the legacy of Italians: not all Chicago aldermen agree with statue removal, read more from @TinaSfon here @Suntimes...


#Chicago #Columbus

Anger, confusion and some ‘cheering’ among local Italian Americans after removal of Columbus statues, read more from @slesposito here @Suntimes...


#Chicago #ColumbusStatue

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