45th Parallel Absurdist Brigade Profile picture
mostly retweets and shitposts until the next uprising. https://t.co/Zc4by3tykp. Who put all this order here? @IWWFJU members, Golden Apple Corps.

Jul 26, 2020, 40 tweets

There are so many people in Alberta Park for the 2 month anniversary of the murder of George Floyd 7/25 #portandprotests #BLM

And we are marching!

“How do you spell racist? PPB”


“ACAB! All cops are bastards!”

And now we are moving past the north Portland precinct

“What do we need? JUSTICE!”

The march is heading south on MLK

I have no clue where this march is heading

We are still marching South on MLK. Current chant “No cops! No Prisons! Total abolition!”

If anyone was curious we are still marching

Flag burning on MLK and Multnomah

The march

The protesters are taking the Steel Bridge

As we head south on third I can already see fireworks and gas

#fuckthefeds in flowers on the fence

The #WallofMoms and the shield wall are becoming one

My new favorite thing by #riotribs

Even with the occasional tear gas & impact rounds vs firework fight there are thousands in the parks and spilling out into the surrounding streets down third and main and salmon

“The people power, power to the people. Black power, Brown power Queer Power Women power”

The scene on salmon feels surreal with so many different groups in gas masks and blocked colors. People taking google breaks while medics assist others and a group practices with hockey sticks. Like a block party met Mad Max and the Warriors

At the fence everyone is ready, the doors are open but I do not see the feds

There is so much energy in the crowd that is just . . . waiting for the feds? I am curious how this momentum is going to be channeled to further the movement

And the fence is down. This feels more like a battle than last night it’s more people on the don’t lines

Feds in 4th and salmon

The feds rush into this cloud of gas between 4th and 5th on salmon and arrest 4in the cloud

One arrest

The rest of the arrests

Police and fed cars racing down the street

So I hid in 7/11 tonight. As soon as the fed rush was over PPB declared a riot and pushed Protesters and press and NLG back to 405. @hungrybowtie was maced and now I am out of downtown

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