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Jul 27, 2020, 9 tweets

Ahead of tomorrow's World #Hepatitis Day, WHO calls to fast-tracking the elimination of hepatitis B among mothers and children for #HepatitisFreeFuture.


The proportion of children <5 years of age chronically infected with #hepatitis B - new WHO estimate ⬇️

🟢 Just under 1%: 2019
🟢 Around 5%: Between 1980s and early 2000s (pre-vaccine era)


#HepatitisFreeFuture #VaccinesWork

This marks the achievement of one of the milestone targets to eliminate viral #hepatitis in the @GlobalGoalsUN ─ to reach under 1% prevalence of hepatitis B infections in children under five years of age by 2020.


#HepatitisFreeFuture #VaccinesWork

Globally, more than 250 million people are living with chronic #hepatitis B infection.
Infants are especially vulnerable: about 90% of children infected with hepatitis B virus in their first year of life become chronic carriers.


#Hepatitis B virus attacks the liver and claims the lives of nearly 900,000 people each year.



Infants can be protected from #hepatitis B virus through a safe & effective vaccine that provides over 95% protection against infection.

#HepatitisFreeFuture #VaccineWorks

WHO recommends that all infants receive a first dose of the #hepatitis B vaccine as soon as possible after birth – preferably within 24 hours – followed by at least 2 additional doses.

#HepatitisFreeFuture #VaccineWorks

The scale-up of #hepatitis B vaccine worldwide over the last two decades, which has been in large part due to the support provided by @gavi has been a great public health success story & contributed to the decrease in infections among children

#HepatitisFreeFuture #VaccineWorks

Don't miss!
Global Talk Show: Towards a #HepatitisFreeFuture

TOMORROW, Tuesday, 28 July 2020, 13h00 CEST.

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