Tay Austin Profile picture
Disaster Assist Volunteer I do my best to keep you safe & informed I'm also on Bluesky at https://t.co/WpY1MPjBqX & at @Tay@m.ai6yr.org at Mastodon

Aug 2, 2020, 5 tweets

5am Update on #TSIsaias

Tropical Storm #Isaias Advisory #21 from the National Hurricane Center

Current location:
About 45 MI...ENE of #FortLauderdale
45 MI...SE of #WestPalmBeach
Winds: 65mph
Movement: NW at 9mph

#TropicalStormIsaias #TropicalStormWarning

Additional watches or warnings may be required later today.

Current warnings are for:
#FortLauderdale #WestPalmBeach

#TSIsaias #TropicalStormIsaias #TropicalStormWarning

#Isaias is moving toward the northwest near 9 mph. A general northwestward motion is expected today, followed by a north-northwestward motion by tonight.

#TSIsaias #TropicalStormIsaias #TropicalStormWarning

#StormSurge & #Wind
The combination of a dangerous storm surge and the tide will cause normally dry areas near the coast to be flooded by rising waters moving inland from the shoreline.

#TSIsaias #TropicalStormIsaias #TropicalStormWarning

Rainfall & Surf

#Isaias is expected to produce the following rain

Eastern #Florida:
2 to 4 inches, with isolated maximum totals of 6 inches.

Northeast Florida and coastal #Georgia:
1 to 3 inches.

#TSIsaias #TropicalStormIsaias #TropicalStormWarning

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