Mohammad Hijazi Profile picture
International Communications Consultant & Trainer | Start-ups, Non-profits & Government. Tweets are personal. Retweets are not endorsements. (he/him)

Aug 4, 2020, 9 tweets

Video of the explosion

More videos of the explosion (thread)

Another angel of the explosion #إنفجار_بيروت

Video of the explosion at Beirut port caught from the sea

Video showing hangars on fire before the explosion at the Beirut Port

Another video of the explosion at Beirut Port #إنفجار_بيروت

Please support Beirut recover from this horrible atrocity, donate to the disaster relief fundraiser here:…


Active citizens from all over the world, JCI Lebanon is raising funds to assist in the disaster relief after the horrific explosion that destroyed my city Beirut yesterday! If you are able to donate, please head on to!
#JCIRise #BridgeTheGap ِ

Synchronized footage of the #BeirutBlast from different angles. #Beirut #انفجار_المرفأ #انفجار_بيروت

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