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#earthquake with epicenter reportedly in #Turkey was felt throughout the region. Many people i know woke up to the shake. Some went into streets. #lebanon #jordan #Syria
This is strongest #earthquake I felt since #egypt’s 1992 destructive one. In #beirut, waking up in middle of night to shaking building brought back terrifying memories of #aug4 #beirutblast in 2020. Where to hide?
This time, I am in a new building with 2 four-legged dependents and no @leenasaidi to pull me out of house. It took a few minutes to regain composure. Still contemplating what to do with drake and smudge
Read 30 tweets
Was "Russia's 9/11" - the explosions that rocked Russia in Sept 1999 officially blamed on Chechen Muslims - a Putin #FalseFlag? Actually these bombings have all the fingerprints of ISRAELI nuclear terrorism/extortion aimed at forcing Putin to join Israel's #WarOfTerror
In my Twitter search for years 2013-22 I find an almost unanimous consensus that the 1999 bombings were a #FalseFlag pulled by Putin & FSB (main Russian successor to Soviet KGB) to trigger Second Chechen War & promote Putin to Russian presidency. Cui bono? "False Flag Putin"!

References to the 1999 bombings on Twitter as PROOF of #FalseFlagPutin zoomed exponentially in Feb-Apr 2022 - spurred undoubtedly by several Feb 2022 articles - and then picked up again in the fall w/Nord Stream pipeline & Kerch Bridge incidents & "dirty bomb" accusations

Read 71 tweets
Once you've looked at enough videos of nuclear, TNT & ANFO explosions, you realize the perpetrators of the 2020 #BeirutBlast actually stitched together this Frankenstein's monster from TWO huge explosions, one aboveground & the other belowground #25MonthsAndCounting

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It was the aboveground (possibly nuclear) bomb that produced the blast that rocked Beirut & the strange reddish mushroom cloud. And it was the belowground definitely nuclear 5+ kiloton bomb that blasted the grayish earth below the cloud, leaving behind a massive crater.
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If the word "nuclear" hasn't scared you off, you should know I premise my use of the word on the conclusion (discussed in numerous tweets) that the perps of #BeirutBlast & other state-directed terrorism for the past 40 years have mastered Minimum Residual Radiation (MRR) nukes
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🧵: 2 years on from the Beirut port explosion, Lebanon is still reeling from the disaster; families are denied justice and the political elite remain in place.

Victims and their families continue to speak out and demand justice for all they have lost…
On the night of the explosion, hospitals took thousands of patients in for free, but long-term treatments for injuries and wounds require significant financial means.

With Lebanon's ongoing economic crisis, the majority of its population struggle to afford even basic healthcare Image
With the call for justice, political leaders and high-ranking officials called in for questioning refused to answer to courts.

Some even filed lawsuits against the judge in charge. In December, investigations were suspended until the complaints can be processed Image
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🇺🇦 The #Ukraine war may be miles away from families in the Middle East. But many fear it will be felt in their kitchens.

🌾 Russia and Ukraine export 29% of world's wheat. The crisis has sent food prices to a 13-year high.

Here’s how 3 countries are facing dire consequences. 🧵
🇾🇪 Yemen

🌾 The war-torn nation is almost entirely dependent on food imports, buying at least 27% of its wheat from Ukraine and 8% from Russia.

🥖 7 years of conflict has already left more than half of its people hungry. Now the #RussiaUkraineConflict is making things worse.
📉 Late last year, funding cuts forced the @WFP to shrink aid to eight million Yemenis.

🍞 A further surge in international wheat prices means Yemenis could be more vulnerable than ever, said @afrah_alzouba, who heads a nonprofit working to improve humanitarian access.
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After the #BeirutBlast, reconstruction was largely left to volunteers/NGOs amid heartwarming community spirit.

But the near-absence of state coordination has led to a fragmented response that in some areas has deepened inequalities & created tensions

Syrian refugee Waad Hariri was happy to have found a community in Beirut after fleeing Syria's Daraa in 2011.

Soon after the blast, her landlord in Beirut's Karantina accused her of taking aid & pushed her to leave.

"We've lost the community we lived in for 10 years," she said
While her children used to play in Karantina's big public park, the family now lives next to a main road on Beirut's eastern edge.

"When we take them there to see their friends, they cry and refuse to come back," Hariri's husband, Raed, told me. Image
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‼️ A year after the #BeirutBlast, @hrw’s report examines 100s of pages of official documents to show which #Lebanon officials were responsible for one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in the world, that killed 218 people…
Findings in the thread below:
2/9 The Ministry of Public Works & Transport, responsible for the port, was warned about dangers posed by the ammonium nitrate, yet failed to correctly communicate those to the judiciary & then knowingly stored the ammonium nitrate alongside flammable/explosive materials.
3/9 The Finance Ministry, which oversees Customs, was aware of dangers posed by ammonium nitrate. Customs said they sent at least 6 letters to the judiciary, but those were procedurally incorrect & customs did not need judicial authorization to sell/re-export/destroy the material
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1-I was born in #Beirut 1983. My dad was a journalist, not the safest jobs during the civil war. My mom is at the center of my memories, and I even think that I cannot really separate btw what I saw with my own eyes as a child & what she narrated to us.
2- But I remember sleeping for days in the bathtub, turned by my mom into the warmest beds, where she had to spend days on her own while my dad is in the battlefield. When I think of #Lebanon's civil war, I think of all the #women who had to raise the kids on their own.
3- After becoming a mother myself, I started to see the efforts that parents exerted to maintain some kind of normalcy during #Lebanon's civil war with a different eye. This became clearer after the #BeirutBlast. This effort did not come without a cost: mental health.
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#Lebanon’s #Tripoli is the poorest city in the #Mediterranean, with marginalised #Sunni population with reported of 80% uneducated, high unemployment, well before #BeirutBlast
No wonder the city’s youth had enough and protest against #lockdown
Thus far, one dead & 200+ injured
Traditionally, the #Hariri’s Mustaqbel party is the patron of Sunnis, but thanks to Saad Hariri’s weak leadership, Sunnis, especially in #Tripoli, are now under the influence of Salafi sheikhs and even #Erdogan’s #Turkey
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#Greece #Lebanon #Athen #Beirut #BeirutBlast #Aid

In order to support the Orthodox Churches and faithful who were adversely impacted by the Beirut blast, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America will donate $50,000 to a special collection.
On August 4, a fatal explosion in Beirut left at least 150 people dead, 6,000 wounded and 300,000 homeless.
The large amount was collected and distributed to the Ecumenical Patriarchate to be added to their worldwide collection to help meet and relieve the great and urgent needs of the Orthodox members in Lebanon.
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[THREAD] 1/8 Contributing to the debate around the roles of the State, NGOs & intl partners in aid process post #BeirutBlast. Yes, NGOs can’t replace state institutions & sidelining the State could undermine long-term recovery prospects… BUT
2/8 What are State institutions doing & showing to convince citizens, NGOs & intl partners to engage & re-channel part of the aid through the institutions? Some interesting & promising initiatives live @impact_gov @LebanonAid driven by dedicated teams, open to scrutiny… BUT
3/8 State institutions have shown #Lebanon representatives' disgraceful attitude during the Dec2 intl donors meeting. @General_Aoun’s speech focused more on scoring political points against @saadhariri on gov formation & didn’t address citizens’ pain outlined by NGOs & partners
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It's been four months. Four months with no accountability, no answers - not even an apology. I can't be the only one who still thinks of the ones we lost. On this sorrowful day, I'd like to remind you of some of them.

#BeirutBlast Image
The ten firefighters who were literally sent to their graves. They were not aware of the ammonium nitrate stored at the port, despite several senior Lebanese officials knowing of its existence. None of them had the conscious to stop them from going in. #beirutblast Image
Rawan Misto, a 20 years old waitress at a restaurant close to the port. Her mother said she used to work to support her family. Who's looking after them now? Image
Read 11 tweets
Oh... oh... Hassounah is speaking live now...

Just what we need at this surreal day!
#Nasrallah rushes to deny #Netanyahu’s claim that Netanyahu shows that Hezbollah has an arms depot adjacent to gas canisters in the Jonah. He invites journalists to visit the place!
#Nasrallah is clearly feeling the pressure. He is fully aware that his popularity has plummeted after #BeirutBlast
The way #Nasrallah talks as if he is the cute lamb of #Lebanon is suffocating!
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#LIVE: #Iraq’s President @BarhamSalih: We have freed our cities of terrorism with the support of the international coalition. The fight against terrorism is not over and we cannot let our guard down #UNGA #UN75 Image
#LIVE: President @BarhamSalih: Plummeting oil prices and effects of #COVID19 mean Iraq faces major challenges #UNGA #UN75 Image
#LIVE: #Iraq’s President @BarhamSalih: We must combat corruption and corrupt individuals. Elections to be held next year should be transparent and fair #UNGA #UN75 Image
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#BREAKING: Explosion rocks village in southern #Lebanon, and clouds of dark smoke rose from the area
#WATCH: Huge plumes of smoke could be seen rising from the scene of the blast in #AinQana in South #Lebanon
#WATCH: It is not known what the cause of the fire or explosion was in #AinQana South #Lebanon
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Images choquantes du port de Beyrouth. L'entrepôt en feu est l'endroit où @ICRC_lb stocke des milliers de colis alimentaires et un demi million de litres de pétrole
L'ampleur des dégâts reste à établir l'opération humanitaire risque d'être perturbée.…
La nuit est tombée sur Beyrouth.. Tandis que le feu au port brûle toujours. 8 heures maintenant. Image
Le ciel était noir cet après midi au dessus de Beyrouth.
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OMG.. #Lebanon
Another inferno in #Beirut, a new blast in the port!
Update #Lebanon

According to this 👇👇, sources from Lebanese army reports that #BeirutBlast II is caused by a fire in storage facility of oil and tyres in Beirut port.

Funny how that happened after US imposed sanctions on 2 politicians with links to #Hezbollah alliance!
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Mentally, are we ok? With trauma after trauma, we are stressed, and something has got to give. Yet, access to mental healthcare in 🇱🇧 suffers from underfunding, stigma, and lack of required facilities. At RHUH, we and our partners have been busy, an overview:
The mental health projects at RHUH are a result of collaboration between six different partners. In addition to RHUH, our partners include the @NMHPLebanon,@ICRC_lb, @MdM_mideast, @MSF_Lebanon, and @Skoun_org. The projects are summarized in the following:
The Community Mental Health Center (CMHC), at RHUH, aims at providing patients with access to quality evidence-based services in the field of mental health. Psychologists, and social workers from @MdM_mideast, and psychiatrists from @ICRC_lb provide a patient-centered service. Image
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53-yr-old Marie's Karantina home was wrecked in the #BeirutBlast, her son was injured & her grandchild fell unconscious. Now she's not only dealing with trauma, but also hunger & having to rebuild her home w no aid

"We were never hungry before," she says
"I have to go to my son’s house to take showers and to clean my clothes every day. Every time I leave my home, I leave it in fear that someone’s going to break in & take the little we have left away from us. We are desperate."
"In truth, I don’t have any more feelings. I’m spent. I love Beirut. But the situation here is disgusting. We’re done. We’ve lived in this appalling situation for long enough. We were born in it. We’re living in it. And now we will die in it."
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Watch this space👇👇
#Hamas leader Haniyeh visited #Beirut and openly threatened #Israel.
The #Palestinians who played a destructive rule in Lebanese civil war, are back to exploit the collapse of #Lebanon after #BeirutBlast
Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh did not just visit Palestinian refugee camps in #Lebanon , but also met with #Hezbollah’s #Nasrallah.
Sunni and Shia Islamist leaders; their patrons, Turkey and Iran plot to exploit #Lebanon, but also to create havoc in the region… Image
It is in the interest of both Hamas and Hezbollah to turn #Lebanon to a bigger version of #Gaza.
Welcome to GazaII folks
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#LIVE: With half a meter left, rescuers in #Lebanon are trying to reach a possible survivor of #BeirutBlast trapped under the rubble…
#LIVE: Local channel AlJadeed reports heartbeat of survivor under rubble of #BeirutBlast dropped to 7 beats per minute Image
#LIVE: Media feed interrupted as rescuers ask people to turn off phones and cameras in search for possible survivor of #Beirutblast Image
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BEIRUT: One month since the #BeirutBlast killed over 180 people, injured more than 6,500 and displaced some 300,000 residents... and still thousands of people simply can’t afford a front door.

#COVID19 #Inequality #Lebanon Image
In fact, a single front door in #Beirut currently costs 2 months’ worth of a minimum-wage salary...

Lebanon's longstanding inequality, massive inflation & now #COVID19 have compounded this humanitarian disaster.
#BeirutExplosion Image
You are powering Oxfam’s partner-led response in #Beirut, providing over 9,000 people with support ranging from emergency cash & food, medical services, mental health support, legal assistance and help to repair and rebuild homes and businesses.
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#LIVE: French president @EmmanuelMacron press conference in #Beirut…
#LIVE: #France's president @EmmanuelMacron says we will never turn our back on #Lebanon's need for help
#LIVE: #France's @EmmanuelMacron says cooperation to establish cause of #BeirutBlast going well, we need better coordination on aid between @UN, other NGOS #Lebanon
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"Eight months into the #COVID19 pandemic, we understand that people are tired and yearn to get on with their lives. We understand that countries want to get their societies and economies going again. "-@DrTedros
"That’s what WHO wants too. Stay-at-home orders & other restrictions are something that some countries felt they needed to do to take pressure off their health systems. But they have taken a heavy toll on livelihoods, economies & mental health."-@DrTedros #COVID19
Read 37 tweets

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