Thomas van Linge Profile picture
Freelance journalist/researcher with a passion for the struggle for democracy, human rights & wildlife preservation. Reporting on wars, uprisings & conservation

Aug 8, 2020, 11 tweets

#Lebanon: #Beirut has shifted from being in a state of total shock to a state of open revolt.

Security forces are firing tear gas in the streets of a window-less city

#Lebanon: calls for revolution in downtown #Beirut

#Lebanon: "the people want the fall of the regime!"

Downtown #Beirut

#Lebanon: security forces are firing rubber bullets at protesters from up-close.

As if the hospitals in #Beirut aren't full enough as it is

#Lebanon: the people of #Beirut rising up against the corrupt elite

#Lebanon BREAKING: protesters have taken over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in #Beirut

#Lebanon:protestors inside of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in #Beirut

#Lebanon: security forces keep showering the streets of #Beirut with tear gas, but protesters are undeterred.


#Lebanon: Martyr's Square in #Beirut earlier today.

The October 17 Revolution has entered a new and possibly final stage.


#Lebanon: protesters are trashing the Association of Banks HQ in #Beirut.

Anger is not only directed at those who have the power but also those who have the money

#Lebanon: protesters inside the building of the Ministry of Energy.

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