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VIRAL JUSTICE: How We Grow the World We Want @PrincetonUPress is coming on October 11, 2022, Pre-order here:

Aug 8, 2020, 7 tweets

If you enjoyed the #ASA2020 plenary last night, checkout this @ASA_SREM session, "Race & Technology: A Sociology of the Future?" Talk titles below:…

1. "A Genealogy of Critical Race & Digital Studies: Past, Present, and Future" by Amber M. Hamilton

2. "Mapping Racial Capitalism within the Real Estate Data Industrial Complex" by @matthew_bui

3. "Imaging Difference: 'Seeing' Race through Brain Technologies" by @oliver_rollins + @tohvoigt

4. "Racism Without Race: Proxies and Algorithmic Inequality" by @louise_seamster +@victorerikray

5. "Citizen Scientific Racism" by @AaronPanofsky, Kushan Dasgupta + Nicole Iturriaga --This talk presents preliminary research from a study about white nationalists and their efforts to appropriate genetics research for their own ideological and identity projects.

If you are not an @ASAnews member, you can access the entire conference, incl. hundreds of sessions, for $25.…

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