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Christian|Lazy Writer|Singer|Sports Fanatic|Thought Leadership|Democracy|Human Rights|Chelsea FC| Citizens' Analyst|

Aug 9, 2020, 5 tweets

1] As we commemorate #WomensDay2020, how do we look at our women when we've normalized poverty & suffering?

Spare a thought for a random woman who lost her livelihoods because of senseless politics & doesn't know what her family will eat just today!


2] As we commemorate #WomensDay2020, how do we look at women when we've normalized their sexual objectification.

Spare a thought for a random woman who has fallen victim to revenge porn, who is sexually abused, who is victimized through body shaming.


3] As we commemorate #WomensDay2020,how do we look at women when we've used culture to normalize GBV!

Spare a thought for that random woman was was abused physically,emotionally or psychologically for choosing to wear certain things or say certain words!


4] As we commemorate #WomensDay2020, how do we look at women when we've normalized their harassment!

Spare a thought for that random woman who experienced torture & abuse because of our ugly, shameless & sickening politics.


5] As we commemorate #WomensDay2020, i commit to doing my individual part in making the world a better & safer place for women

to all the beautiful women out there,never let anyone kill your soul

occupy whichever space you want



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