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Jan 22nd 2021
1] Letter by @JobSikhala1 from prison:

"No matter the adversities, the liberation of our people from oppression and persecution can not be postponed any further. My persecution is a reflection of the suffering our people have been going through one generation after the other"
2] @JobSikhala1:

"In this instance, I am in complete shock of the reasons for my persecutions. there is no crime i committed. The plot and the plan of the dictatorship is to break me down. i will never be broken down because the demand for a free and just society is a calling.."
3] @JobSikhala1:

"Even if I die in the concentration camp called Chikurubi Maximum Prison, dear Zimbabweans remember me. Remember that it is because of our freedom, happiness and liberty that has been robbed from one generation to another, that I met my fate.."
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Jan 20th 2021
1. COVID-19 is a punshment 'sanctions' to the west by God- Oppah

Why Zim gvt isnt serious about COVID-19.

A senior member says COVID-19 is a hoax, they keep their position both in gvt & party PLUS they become a member of COVID-19 taskforce @cazawaty @NzouJnr @zanupf_patriots
2. Why those in power are still being reckless as if it is business as usual...meetings, get together, send-offs, huge funerals. WHY? Is it denial or a feeling of invincibility? @nickmangwana @InfoMinZW @MoHCCZim @cazawaty @zanupf_patriots #ZimbabweYadzoka #MaskUpZim
3. Ghetto youths are in prison, opposition members are in jail for FAKE NEWS. Here a senior member of gvt & ZANU-PF is in broad daylight saying COVID-19 is a punishment for the 'whites' west. What happened, she kept her position & is in the COVID-19 taskforce #ZimbabweYadzoka
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Jan 11th 2021
Dictatorships are built on a strong foundation of a steady supply of foot soldiers. Soldiers, police, Secret police, prison guards; young people with no personal conviction or moral compass.
But these young people come from our homes, our schools and neighbourhoods. We know most of them, their friends and families.
That is why I would like to propose a reach out campaign starting immediately. If you have a family member serving in the uniformed services- reach out to them. Speak truth in love. Let them understand the real impact of blindly following orders.
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Jan 10th 2021

let me be as very frank as possible. If you do not reign in @Sophie_Mokoena who has committed to spitting venomous fake news on Zim & leadership, then forget that this letter will have any consequence on my conscience. The @SABCNews through it's @Sophie_Mokoena
2: has instigated global hatred on Zim & her pple in SA thru spreading naked fake news typical of vendetta journalism bt u never called her out. If yu defend her when she is called to order & to stop publishing unverified falsehoods, then u hv no moral ground to do so on me.
3: @Sophie_Mokoena & @peterndoro masterminded the conspiracy to agenda Zim through a blackmailing campaign dubbed the #zimbabweanlivesmatter which was co-sponsored by fake news peddlers politicians in the @mdczimbabwe & cared not verify them from authorities.
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Jan 9th 2021
Zimbabwe- we are under assault. The contempt the government has for the people of Zimbabwe is shocking. To them we are worthless. We are suppose to suffer in silence and put up no resistance.
Kuda Tagwirei is a reminder that the law does not apply to Zanuy PF. There is no shame in this government's actions because they do not fear the people. There are no consequences for their actions.
Until Now.
I'm challenging us all to stand up for ourselves. We know the challenges posed by covid-19 but this government has botched the fight. Nurses have no PPE and people are dying because of the poor services. If we do nothing we will all die.
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Jan 4th 2021
We have very serious issues we to address ASAP. If new covid-19 variants continue to emerge our health care system in its current shape will be buried. Stunted economic growth will prolong the difficult conditions we are experiencing.
An Emergency meeting needs to be convened to save the lives of Zimbabweans and to ease the pain so many are going through.
The international community will not support the Zanu PF government financially because of the holes in the system as a result people will continue to suffer.
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Dec 11th 2020
1. Why it’s our collective responsibility to fix Zim is summed up in this picture. When you are in the system and enjoy its privileges, you think poor people are stupid and become apathetic to their struggles. What Marry is going through is how ordinary people experience life!
2. Imagine being sick in a country with a run down health system and being unable to go out of the country to get help. This is how everyday Zimbos experience life! They don’t have medical cover, and the hospitals are death centers. Let’s reflect Zimbos. #ZimbabweanLivesMatter
3. I don’t know who you are. ZANU or MDC or however you identify! There are some public system issues that we equalize us! Fix the Health sector for everyone. Fight corruption in the health sector. Demilitarize the health sector. #ZimbabweanLivesMatter
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Nov 8th 2020
What I learnt today its a thread kindly share :
When Zimbos cry out that this country is dead the economy is dead we hear those of the privilledged saying we whinnin too much hee what what esp ana ms red fast forward today Boss gee vaita accident wee hours around 5 am ....
and from the time it happened to the time pipo started flocking streets maybe 2-3 hrs afta the accident no FIRE BRIGADE WAS IN SIGHT ,,, NO AMBULANCE was in sight too and the Rolls Royce burnt to the point yekuona mawaya and alledgedly vamwe vanz vatsvira mumota ....
i could have shared the pic but then its inappropriate munhu was burnt to death now tell me when it happened of coz ambulance yafonerwa nema passers by remember kumaraini emhene ka uku but nothing , police papasina , fire brigade apana then umwe oita maguts ekutiiudza kut ....
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Sep 22nd 2020
#NdebeleTwitter herewith Season 2, Episode 1 of #UmnxebaWodumo.

My Hillside Experience

It all began when I met uGalvin. Sagidla sonke eMoray but yena yilezana ezazingaboni nex. So he tells me he is now a waiter. Phela bragging about jobs is the new ntenene bragging contest Image
2. Nxa sifika ku parking he gets into a very expensive car. Ngangenwa yingubhane madoda. This guy owayekopa Kimi ama Corrections is now driving this sexy thingumabob? Zimbabwe ilesono shame. My ego was sodomised I tell you. He saw it and said, don't worry call me. I can help you Image
3. After serious thought, ngimfonele after 3 days. He tells me ukuthi akwenzi ukuthi sikhulume over the phone. I must go to his work place siyexoxela khona. I just cudnt believe it! Galvin wama ansa arongo now has power to call me to his office? Kunzima bo Jo Image
Read 17 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
1] What just happened to President @ngadziore at the hands of the State, is indicative of a scared & paranoid regime.

Unpopular regimes, (with a contested electoral mandate) survive on fear & intimidation.

Once the governed become less fearful, these regimes become desperate. Image
2] Someone was convinced that Zimbos were so tired of RG they would be okay even with a stone being President.

Alas, the citizens are demanding more.

This is what happens when you want power for the sake of it.

The burden of responsibility & performance is proving too much. Image
3] The Harare regime has been left exposed with activism coming from virtually everywhere

The old propaganda narratives of MDC nuisance is becoming unsustainable

Writers, clergy,students, intellectuals, & many outside politics & MDC affairs are speaking out

Zanu is overwhelmed Image
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Sep 10th 2020

SA's behavior towards the #ZimbabweanCrisis would have been hilarious had it not been sad & unfortunate

Ancient wisdom says: "hope is a poor man's treasurer"
He holds on to it, because it is all he has got.
Yet there's a thin line between faith & stupidity.
2] A sad yet unambiguous fact, is that the #ZimbabweanCrisis has become a politicking issue in SA

Pres Ramphosa, like his predecessors, seem to be only concerned with "being seen as doing something", more so when progressive Opposition parties begin acting & speaking on Zim. Image
3] "WE WILL BE BACK" Season One was first filmed in Dec 2019

After meeting with & getting a presentation from ZCC's Rev Mtata & other world church Leaders,CR tactfully sent Pres Mbeki on a mission initially played down as a business meeting,until he also met Chamisa & POLADists ImageImageImage
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Sep 2nd 2020
1] Feels strange to be celebrating the release of @jngarivhume & #Hopewell

They should have never spent 45 nights in prison for speaking out against corruption.

It's an indictment on the fallacy that is the 2nd Republic.

This is classic lawfare & abuse of citizen rights. Image
2] In the same breath,citizens should continue speaking out & demanding the release of other political prisoners like @godfreykurauone & @JobSikhala1 among many others our minds dare forget

Justice should equally be demanded against the perpetrators of @TeeMuchehiwa's torture Image
3] At the same time, politicians politicizing the Zimbabwean struggle as is happening with the SAn ANC should be called to order

We need an authentic solution to the decades old #ZimbabweCrisis

We need to be helped to help ourselves.

The Zimbabwean crisis is a reality. Image
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Sep 2nd 2020
Herewith Thread 4 of my experiences #ChroniclesofHope

Thread 4: The Bad days.

Being in hiding is a game of mental strength and for those whose backbones are clad with iron. Especially those of us who want to go home and not to Europe
#ZimbabweanLivesMatter Image
2. The 1st days are bad. Anxiety. Worry and concern over the well-being of the family. At some point I went for 4 straight days without eating, worried about my children. I just can't believe I can be this helpless and watch them bullied. A friend sent this about Cde Umile Image
3. The worst is that in the day that the State goes rogue even relatives blame you for it. They castigate us for 'ukuqala iZanu'. Very few want to assist. Majority does not want any contact lest they are endangered. To get a relative to house my family was a futile effort
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Aug 30th 2020

1. One of the first lessons I learnt in the field when I went onto the dance-floor was that you have to be very selective about whom you tell things especially your whereabouts in times of crisis. Because if they are caught & tortured, they’ll squeal #ZimbabweanLivesMatter
2. The other was that the one person you can truly trust is yourself. The third was that persons closest to you can be the most dangerous. That’s because you trust them & you lower your guard. If they are weak they are easily bought. If they are captured, they’ll squeal.
3. The other is the honey-trap. Politicians or technocrats in corridors of power find themselves enjoying growing attention & adulation. The delusional might think they have suddenly become more handsome or beautiful. But not all such attention is innocent.
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Aug 30th 2020
As promised herewith the thread about my experiences. #ChroniclesofHope
Thread 1: The Clouds Gather

It all started with a WhatsApp Chat below on the 1st of May. This is 2 months before the July 31 Demonstrations was announced. At this point nothing suggested that am in danger
2. Everything was normal in the Zim sense way. Somehow, this message confirmed with my spirit. Something was afoot in the horizon and God warned me through someone I least expected. I needed to start preparing for that fateful day
3. I had seen how @JoeMzacaNgulube had been in activism & remained unknown in these streets. I decided to grow my Following. I had 386. I changed my content and used my other talents: Humour and Storytelling via #UmnxebaWodumo. I also embraced #NdebeleTwitter. I grew to over 2k
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Aug 29th 2020
Yesterday Marked 1 month since I went into hiding. I will tomorrow do 5 threads to share my experiences over the last month. I will also reveal the identity of one Ferret enabler. I have learnt to tell my story as a means to stay afloat
#ZimbabweanLivesMatter Image
There are days we are hopeful that a New Zimbabwe will come and we will go back home. Then there are days, like today, where I am overwhelmed, discouraged & Hopeless. As a Depression Survivor I get episodes and emotional rollercoasters Image
I find myself missing my son who calls me Commander đŸ€Ł and wonder if I will see him again. I miss dancing with him and watching his jolly self play. I catch myself gazing in Oblivion planning my own funeral and wondering if this is the Zimbabwe that our fathers died for Image
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Aug 29th 2020
1. Now we know an Impala Car Rental vehicle was used in the abduction of Tawanda Muchehiwa. It’s not Impala’s fault. But what’s wrong is for Impala to plead confidentiality to protect people committing crimes against humanity. There’s a risk of a cover-up which is wrong
2. We often see Zimbabweans of a certain profile doing marketing jobs for Impala Car Rental. Should Impala insist on protecting the identity of the abductors & torturers, these high profile individuals should seriously reconsider their work for Impala or risk enabling.
3. More importantly, car rental companies rely on bulk rentals usually by NGOs & CSOs. It would be a travesty if these organisations some in human rights continue to patronise a company that’s refusing to co-operate with a victim of abduction & torture. They too would be enabling
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Aug 27th 2020
1. Although it is not unfair to refer to them as political prisoners, in the case of journalist & filmmaker Hopewell Chin’ono it is becoming clearer from information emerging from highly-placed sources that it’s beyond political: it’s deeply PERSONAL for Emmerson Mnangagwa.
2. Mnangagwa’s anger stems from a belief that Hopewell Chin’ono was after him & his family when he exposed & tracked down the trail of corruption which led to the family’s doorstep. As Robert Mugabe revealed Mnangagwa is vindictive & he enjoys the ruthless display of raw power
3. There is no legal basis for the continued incarceration of Hopewell and others except that they are being punished without trial. In a normal country where fair play is respected, the men would be at their homes awaiting trial. But not in Mnangagwa’s Banana republic
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Aug 24th 2020
1. Left is a charge sheet against MDC Alliance’s Prince Dubeko Sibanda. They say he incited public violence by distributing face masks written “ZANU PF MUST GO”. Right is the regime bragging that it hasn’t arrested Pastor Munyeza although he urges “the removal of the government”. ImageImage
2. The regime wants to be praised for tolerating Pastor Munyeza who is a member of Mnangagwa’s Presidential Advisory Council while at the same time it is persecuting political opponents like Sibanda who were peacefully exercising their constitutional rights.
3. As argued in the #BSR the regime excels in double standards and selective application of the law. It expects commendation for being nice to someone who is in their structures while being vicious to other dissenting voices #ZimbabweanLivesMatter
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Aug 24th 2020
1. Countries like ours will need radical approaches to how public office holders conduct their affairs. As long as those who manage public services have the option of using private services, they will have no incentives to enhance public services, which they do not use.
2. If you look at the response to the COVID19 pandemic, there was a flurry of activity to enhance private health care facilities compared to public hospitals. When public officers got sick, they had the option to check-in at top notch private healthcare facilities.
3. When your Minister of Health goes abroad for healthcare needs, what incentive is there to develop the local healthcare system? Same when you’re in charge of education, energy, water & other public services. If you rely on private, there’s no incentive to invest in public.
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Aug 23rd 2020
1. I have had the advantage of listening to a sermon delivered by Bishop Mupandasekwa of the Catholic Church. I’ve not heard a more powerful delivery in a long time. The message is loud and clear: the Bishops are undeterred. They remain resolute. #themarchisnotended
2. The Bishop says leaders prefer to be given letters in private, so that they can reject them or pretend to the citizens that they are smart. But Pastoral Letters are for the flock. They are not private letters as a boyfriend would write to a girlfriend #ZimbabweanLivesMatter
3. He says Pastoral Letters are written to the flock so that they know the position of the Church & they also stand in that position. Pastoral Letters are not determined or stopped by political leaders. He says they are not communicated in private & don’t skirt around the truth.
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Aug 21st 2020
Helped a guy today. He dropped in the middle of the walkway. Everyone was passing by like its nothing. He was having convulsions. He asked for a sweet i ran to get some, i forced it into his mouth. He lifelessly sucked it. Untill his mouth started moving faster and faster.
He asked for some water. I ran to a a car nearby,there was a heavily pregnant đŸ€° woman sitting next to it. She gave me a bottle of water. When i got back to the guy, he pulled out a small purse which some pills in it. He took one pill out of the purse & threw it into his mouth.
After a few minutes hearing the pregnant đŸ€°đŸŸ lady's constant attacks, "Shamwari siyana nezvinodhaka uchafa", the guy politely replied, "Handitobate doro kana zvinodhaka. Ndikubva kumusoro uko kuAvondale kumunhu wandinoshandira, but nhasi haana kuuya", he said.
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Aug 21st 2020
The problem with phone recordings is we don’t know who did the recording & how many other recordings they have. Our elders say musapembedza n’anga neinobata mai (The witchdoctor you praise might one day point to your mother as the village witch). Panonetsa! #ZimbabweanLivesMatter
If it’s the State then we’re all vulnerable. They’re listening to & recording all our conversations. Well, but we knew that already. But it’s never been fair game to publish recordings. If we accept that it’s fair game then the floodgates are well & truly open. It won’t end well
That said, now that it’s a public resource, which most of us have listened to (even if we pretend we didn’t) it was a fascinating exchange from which we learnt quite a few things about how the Mnangagwa regime operates. But that’s for another time.
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Aug 20th 2020
In the last week I have received 5 different messages, at different times, from different international numbers from 5 different organizations claiming to be the OFFICIAL #ZimbabweanLivesMatter “Team”. Each time it’s to be invited to contribute to various zoom meetings etc...😖
This reminded me of the #ThisFlag moment when we started getting invited to Jozi to attend meetings for a “Hashtag “ I had helped create, answering to a “team” of elders who had appropriated it as their own. This led to the huge disaster that even led to a failed presidential bid
I totally understand the need for “whats next” and “way forward” etc etc but i strongly believe we don’t need online “hashtags” to gain unauthorized, not-voted-for secretariats and gate keepers who patent the struggle and take themselves too seriously.
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