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Aug 12, 2020, 9 tweets

It's International #YouthDay!

WHO calls on youth around the 🌎🌍🌏 to take lead, take action and fight the #COVID19 pandemic for a better future.

Young people can take the lead in the fight against #COVID19 by

👏practicing hand hygiene
↔️ keeping physical distance
😷wearing a mask
🏡staying home
👥avoiding crowded places

to protect yourself & others from COVID-19

Shout out to young people around the 🌎🌍🌏

Don’t risk your life, play it safe and help end the #COVID19 pandemic!


Maintaining a familiar routine – while practicing physical distancing can help you feel calmer & more in control during this stressful time.

#YouthDay #COVID19

To all young people, you can protect your mental health during #COVID19 by

✅Reaching out to a trusted adult or professional, if you need help
✅Limiting social media use to avoid misinformation
✅Doing physical exercises or meditating at home

Here is a story book that explains to children & youth how to manage difficult emotions when confronted with a new and rapidly changing reality, such as #COVID19.


On International #YouthDay, parents should talk to their children about #COVID19. It’s hard for them not to hear about it.

🚫Silence & secrets do not protect our children ✅Honesty & openness do

Think about how much they will understand. You, the parents, know them best.

📅 Aug 12 = International #YouthDay

To celebrate the 🌍’s biggest population, let’s make August young people's month! Share your stories on how you are helping to fight #COVID19 with us👇!

This month we are celebrating YOUth 🎉!

Learn more about how the @UN is working with and for young people to ensure that no one is left behind 👉

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