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CEO of SlickRockWeb, SEO guy & part time citizen journalist. A numbers cruncher, problem solver, and now @DFRLab trained Digital Sherlock #infoSec #infoOps

Aug 17, 2020, 9 tweets

#Belarus elections were held Aug 9th & early voting started Aug 4th. The incumbent President Lukashenko claimed victory over opposition Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, despite widespread claims of fraud. UK & EU refuse to recognize the results #Belarusprotests…

We took a look at the twitter conversations among our pro-Kremlin trolls based on the original #Hamilton68 v1.0 set. Mentions of Svetlana Tikhanovskaya were nearly non-existent. Only 10 mentions out of 34266 tweets from Aug 3rd - Aug 9th. Below are wordclouds #Belarusprotests

Observers are convinced Svetlana actually won the election against the deeply unpopular Pres. Lukashenko. There are claims of partially burned ballots & numerous other irregularities, & Svetlana had 2 flee the country with her children. This has led 2 massive protests in #Belarus

With growing unrest and calling for President Lukashenko to either resign or have new heavily monitored elections, President Lukashenko recently asked Russian President Putin for help. Here are some examples of pro-Kremlin tweets suggesting the protest are just outside agitators

This tweet, that was boosted by many of the pro-Kremlin trolls we follow, commented on the surprising support opposition candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya was getting prior to the election & suggested she was just a puppet of the west and funded by western NGOs. #Belarusprotests

Another weird part of the whole Belarus election was the fact that 33 mercenaries, mostly pro-Kremlin and some from the Wagner military contractor, were arrested in Belarus a few wks prior to the Belarus elections. Its still not clear what they were up to.…

Now Lukashenko has said he will release the mercenaries to Russia. Pro-Kremlin trolls of course muddied the issue like this tweet. To be clear the Ukrainians involved were actually Ukrainian separatists which is why #Zelensky would like 2 get them #Belarus

Some early analysis of the #Belarus election results suggesting massive falsification. #Belarusprotests

I am thinking this might not be the wisest thing you want to say to hundreds of thousands of protestors #Belarusprotests

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