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Aug 18, 2020, 8 tweets

Day 174

+4.013 compared to last week, but -23 compared to the week before.

+50 (+12)

+19 (+7)

We have a slight (-0.1%) decrease in positivity rate.

We see a slight decline in new cases across the board.

4 big cities

Bad news:
It looks like we see the effect of het higher number of cases, in the higher number of hospitalizations.

Good news:
The number of new cases is stabilizing/slightly decreasing.

This suggests that the Re is 1 of slightly below 1. 🥳

For most infections, we do know have the probable source of the infection.
only gives a setting when more than one person is infected in that setting.

The number of people in the hospital and ICU is rising steadily. 😕

#persconferentie #coronamaatregelen #Corona

From all the people who where infected during their vacation, about 50% where recorded this week.

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