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@uofnorthgeorgia Rhetoric prof. My opinions. Bonhoeffer, Merton, UF Gators, & @aaup. My book SEVEN MOUNTAINS set for Fall 2025 with @wjkbooks

Aug 19, 2020, 10 tweets

The list of people or subjects Charlie Kirk has called a “national disgrace: 1) Most recently his response to tonight’s #DemConvention speaker:

Next the Obamas, particularly after Michelle’s #DemConvention speech:

Chief Justice John Roberts:

@Ilhan Rep. Ilhan Omar

Treatment of veterans


“The caravan” entering illegally

Girls in the Boy Scouts

And the FBI

I don’t know, Chuck, it sounds like you hate America more than you love Trump. 🤔🤷🏽‍♂️ #NationalDisgrace is a hashtag ... who knew... /end

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