How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, about 25 tents housed students calling for the university to divest from Israeli investments… give a plagiarism warning on first day - “if you can find it online so can I.” I add to that a push for using their voice, their ideas. I’ll likely then ask if they have heard of the chat bot. I’m guessing < 50% will know of it and even less have used it. 2/x speaking of low expectations, legislating what students and teachers can learn about race and slavery and history cuz they might feel bad is actual low expectations. 2023 essay: "unusual circumstances" in your life, "distinctive background" in a diverse society… lawsuit by the former member who accused the church of a cover-up went to Tennessee state appeals court. Its 2014 ruling is here: it’s always been for a long time seen as an “attack” on traditional morality. Shapiro’s thread on topic quotes Percy Shelley. But now we add the explicit war rhetoric. center hosting this event is funded by a private foundation. And the government isn’t suppressing it. Kirk could and has spoken on many campuses without such an invite.