May Wong Profile picture
Senior Indochina Correspondent @ChannelNewsAsia (Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) Formerly based in Myanmar. Now Bangkok and around the region

Aug 19, 2020, 13 tweets

Some #Thailand students gathered outside #education ministry to continue to voice their disapproval, wanting government to step down, change the constitution & stop state intimidation. The Education Minister @Boston_Nataphol has come out to meet them #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง

#Thailand #education minister comes out of ministry to address the students protesting outside & media has mobbed the minister @Boston_Nataphol Students insisting he wait his turn to speak & go to the back of the line which he did #ผูกโบว์ขาวต้านเผด็จการ #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง

#Thailand #Education Minister @Boston_Nataphol sits among students to hear their protest & grievances. Appears to show he's keen in listening as he's taking notes. But impossible to hear what he's saying to them. #ผูกโบว์ขาวต้านเผด็จการ #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง

#Thailand student protesters outside #education ministry complaining to education minister about education quality, why budget for ministry cut & why rich has more privileges. @Boston_Nataphol explains he's trying to reform system #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง #ผูกโบว์ขาวต้านเผด็จการ

#Thailand student protestors asking if it's acceptable to show certain symbols like hanging the white ribbon as a sign of protest? #Education minister @Boston_Nataphol says as long as it doesn't contravene the law #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง #ผูกโบว์ขาวต้านเผด็จการ

#Thailand #education minister @Boston_Nataphol even put on white ribbon that student protesters have been wearing to show disapproval of administration. Appears he wants to show he's willing to listen to them, that he's not against them #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง #ผูกโบว์ขาวต้านเผด็จการ

#Thailand #education minister @Boston_Nataphol asked if students allowed to exhibit 3 finger sign during national anthem in school as that's what protesters have been using as sign of protest, call for change. He urges them to do so after anthem instead #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง

#Thailand #Education Minister @Boston_Nataphol appears sincere in engaging student protesters, feel schools should allow students to express themselves more. Recently @UNICEF_Thailand had expressed concerns over safety of students who voice dissent #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง

#Thailand #education minister @Boston_Nataphol has left the student protesters after chatting, exchanging views with some of them for about 30 mins. However, some students still showing dissent & disapproval of minister & administration #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง #ผูกโบว์ขาวต้านเผด็จการ

#Thailand #Education Minister @Boston_Nataphol said he reassured student protesters they'll not face threats if they voice dissent within the law. Students tying white ribbons on education ministry gate to voice disapproval #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง #ผูกโบว์ขาวต้านเผด็จการ

#Thailand #Education Minister @Boston_Nataphol observed that his conversation with student protesters was not focused on politics but about education system/development in country. Says demands are not new & he's already working on them to bring reforms #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง

#Thailand #Education Minister @Boston_Nataphol is now looking to set up a channel to enable students to voice their opinions/concerns & also considering to asking schools to create space to enable students to express themselves #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง #ผูกโบว์ขาวต้านเผด็จการ

#Thailand #Education Minister @Boston_Nataphol calls on student protesters to put nation before self & consider how their actions today may affect the image of the country, in turn, affecting their future. #เลิกเรียนไปกระทรวง #ผูกโบว์ขาวต้านเผด็จการ

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