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NYT bestselling Trump and Musk biographer. Attorney. Retired journalism professor. More: and

Aug 29, 2020, 5 tweets

#SayTheirNames / #MarchOnWashington

Rice ▪️ Brown ▪️ Garner ▪️ Castile ▪️ Taylor ▪️ Monterrosa ▪️ Floyd ▪️ Bland ▪️ Arbery ▪️ Scott ▪️ Sterling ▪️ Clark ▪️ Small ▪️ Gray ▪️ Ford ▪️ Cusseaux ▪️ Anderson ▪️ McKenna ▪️ Jones ▪️ Jean ▪️ Jefferson ▪️ Reason ▪️ Clayton ▪️ Crawford

#SayTheirNames / #MarchOnWashington

Parker ▪️ McDonald ▪️ Gurley ▪️ Brisbon ▪️ Reid ▪️ Mann ▪️ Smart ▪️ Ajibade ▪️ Robinson ▪️ Hill ▪️ White ▪️ Harris ▪️ Hall ▪️ Chapman II ▪️ Christian ▪️ Davis ▪️ Glenn ▪️ Martin ▪️ Larosa ▪️ Sanders ▪️ Ellswood ▪️ Davis ▪️ Stewart ▪️ Sabbie

#SayTheirNames / #MarchOnWashington

Day ▪️ Taylor ▪️ Bell ▪️ Kumi ▪️ Manley ▪️ McLeod ▪️ Prosper ▪️ Watkins ▪️ Jones ▪️ Brown ▪️ Hutchinson ▪️ Ashford ▪️ Smith ▪️ Kager ▪️ Biggs ▪️ Marshall ▪️ Higgins ▪️ Clark ▪️ Frey ▪️ Perkins ▪️ Pickett ▪️ Tignor ▪️ Espinal ▪️ Noel

#SayTheirNames / #MarchOnWashington

Matthews ▪️ Legrier ▪️ Reed ▪️ Childress Jr. ▪️ Wilson ▪️ Nelson ▪️ Love ▪️ Scott ▪️ Celestine ▪️ Joseph ▪️ Roquemore ▪️ Perkins ▪️ Loud ▪️ Gaines ▪️ Hicks ▪️ McCorvey ▪️ Truxillo ▪️ Semer ▪️ Tillman ▪️ Thomas ▪️ Crutcher ▪️ Carey ▪️ O'Neal

#SayTheirNames / #MarchOnWashington

Woods ▪️ Edwards ▪️ Bailey ▪️ Foster ▪️ Rose II ▪️ Turner ▪️ Whitfield ▪️ Dean ▪️ Grant ▪️ Taylor ▪️ Jones ▪️ McDade ▪️ Chavez ▪️ Blue ▪️ Nelson ▪️ Thomas ▪️ Moore ▪️ Brooks ▪️ Franklin ▪️ DuBose ▪️ Diallo

These are only some of their names.

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