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Aug 30, 2020, 11 tweets

Tazias tend to cross sectarian and even religious boundaries, with Hindus and Sikhs. Taziadari is a mixture of all the cultures, beliefs and faiths of the subcontinent and can be said a great religious unifying factor
#AshuraWorldwide…. via @dailytimespak

The Tazia of the Ustad in the city of Saints #Multan leads the procession with the Tazia of the Shagird at the back, symbolizing the student’s respect for his teacher.Ustad Pir Bakhsh designed the five storeys Tazia.

#Chiniot is home to the oldest and finest #Tazias in Indo-Pak subcontinent. Chiniot, in the Jhang district of the Punjab, is famed for its woodwork and the Tazia benefits from this local expertise. The craftsmen of Chiniot, consider it a point of PRESTIGE.

Tazias are often built by Barelvi Sunni Muslims in Chiniot no one can differentiate between Shiite or Sunni devotees during the performances of the Muharram rituals. In fact, with a few exceptions, almost all Tazia artisans belong to the #Sunni sect.

A 32-year-old Hindu craftsman in Vadodara, #Gujarat has adopted a unique way to spread the message of communal harmony!

O who shall be the bearer of a message from me to Hussain?
Slaughtered, though without sin himself,
His shirt as if dyed through with crimson.
Now the sword itself wails, and the spear shrieks,

~Imam Muhammad bin Idris al-Shafi’i

And if my sin is love of the Family of Muhammad:
Then that is a sin from which I do not repent.

~ Imam Muhammad bin Idris al-Shafi’i

حسین سب کا حسین رب کا

I don’t know the artist, but this is...

Arrow of Hurmula pierced Ali Asghar’s throat.

Shah Jamal Wala Tazia, one of the oldest Tazias of #Jhang, has the same form as the Lal Nath temple in Jhang city. The form of the Tazia closely resembles that of a Hindu temple. The Tazia of Shadi Malang in Chiniot is similar in form to the Hindu temples of Orissa.

7 out of 8 Tazias in #Chiniot are carried out by Sunnis.

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