Film The Police LA Profile picture
Hollow’s dad. Copwatcher specializing in LAPD accountability. Personal: @William_Gude

Sep 1, 2020, 5 tweets


Formal LAPD Officer Misconduct complaint (attached)

OFFICER SERIALS: 43266 & 43618
Division: @LAPDHollywood
DATE: 8/20/2020

COMPLAINT: Refusal to provide identification

Summary to follow. @LAPDChiefMoore @LAPDLurie @LAPDBBixler

The @LAPDHollywood station captain @LAPDLurie has already confirmed that officers should provide identification when requested. The officer in this video either:

A) doesn’t know the LAPD rules/policies;
B) purposely tried to hide identity.

Either one is an indictment.

The @LAPDHollywood station will try to defend these actions by claiming they came back. But that was after some witnesses had already left. And it was clear their return was to prevent interviewing of subjects (as subjects clearly felt intimidation in vid)

Anyway, here is the formal @LAPDHQ Employee Misconduct Complaint. Please provide ‘confirmation of receipt’ within the *required 5 days*.

@LAPDBBixler @LAPDLurie

Here is an alternative view of the incident where the LAPD leaves before allowing themselves to be identified. Notice how they were even screaming to get badge numbers on this side of the street, too.

Anyway, make sure to film the police, y’all.

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