Samantha Rose Mandeles Profile picture
Researcher, history buff, writer. Views mine & generally liberal (not leftist). Loves: animals, Karl Popper, blueberry muffins. Tweets mine too.

Sep 1, 2020, 7 tweets

Researching @Dreamdefenders trips to "Palestine". @NGOmonitor @JerusalemCenter & others correctly noted how 2016 #DDPalestine trips met PFLP terrorists.

But the 1st trip, in 2015 (w @OsopePatrisse @msladyjustice1 @marclamonthill) did too:

Ali Jiddah, 1968 PFLP bomber. 1/

Following the 2015 trip, #BLM co-founder @OsopePatrisse took this pic in Northern Ireland & posted on her website, in which she wears a Yasser Arafat keffiyeh. Pic was there as recently as May 2020. It's now gone, as is any mention of #DDPalestine. 2/

When ppl wonder how @Blklivesmatter platforms & protesters (supposedly for "justice") show overt Jew-hate, bigotry, or violence towards Jews, it's partially this^

Co-founders & prominent activists of BLM approve of Pal terrorism/ blame Jews & Israel for U.S. racism. 3/

During @Dreamdefenders trip, @OsopePatrisse drank the PLO/PFLP kool-aid/ bought the lie that Jews aren't indigenous to Judea. She erased 2k yrs of Jewish history & then accused Jews of doing exactly that in our supposed quest to "build empire." DAE get Protocols vibes...? 4/

She met w @davidsheen, a proven liar who invents stories re Israeli "anti black racism" & uses them to demonize the Jewish state. Again, she apparently accepted his claims w/o question. (DS lies via @CAMERAorg, @elderofziyon, & @AviMayer) 5/

Meanwhile, @Dreamdefenders @marclamonthill have continued to support, lionize, & meet w PFLP terrorists, incl Ali Jiddah & his cousin Mahmoud.

Just some of countless examples of #BLM figures in bed w/ ppl who unrepentantly maimed, murdered, or incited violence against Jews--simply bc those Jews are located in Israel.

I support the #BLM sentiment but never a movement that seeks the destruction of my ancestral homeland.

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