Samantha Rose Mandeles Profile picture
Researcher, history buff, writer. Views mine & generally liberal (not leftist). Loves: animals, Karl Popper, blueberry muffins. Tweets mine too.
Mar 6, 2021 10 tweets 7 min read
Researching @ADL @JGreenblattADL. Found some troubling trends: less focus on Jews/ fighting Judeophobia & more focus on general "anti-bias". Even whitewashing some who've *contributed* to anti-Israel coffers. Why? Do we really need yet another generic social justice org? Ofc we Jews should do what's right & oppose *all* "ism"s, but we also need to 'put on our own oxygen masks before helping others'. Is @ADL more focused on gaining social justice street cred than confronting *all* anti-Semitism? CC: @LegInsurrection @DrCharlesJacobs

Oct 4, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
So @AOC won't meet w mainstream Jewish community, incl @ZionessMovement, but will meet w/ anti-Jewish conspiracy theorists from @AMPalestine & Neturei Karta (you know, just those "rabbis" who attend Iran's Holocaust denial conference). WTF.… This is grotesque. Here she is meeting w/ NK in 2019.
Sep 1, 2020 7 tweets 10 min read
Researching @Dreamdefenders trips to "Palestine". @NGOmonitor @JerusalemCenter & others correctly noted how 2016 #DDPalestine trips met PFLP terrorists.

But the 1st trip, in 2015 (w @OsopePatrisse @msladyjustice1 @marclamonthill) did too:

Ali Jiddah, 1968 PFLP bomber. 1/ ImageImageImageImage Following the 2015 trip, #BLM co-founder @OsopePatrisse took this pic in Northern Ireland & posted on her website, in which she wears a Yasser Arafat keffiyeh. Pic was there as recently as May 2020. It's now gone, as is any mention of #DDPalestine. 2/ ImageImageImageImage
Jul 16, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
.@Rav_Mike @jdforward criticizes @simonwiesenthal for condemning "Black leaders/clergy" silence on "Black anti-semitism"; claims we don't similarly ask for White leaders/clergy to condemn "White anti-Semitism." But imho, this misses some crucial points. 1/… 1. Blacks & Jews = both minorities in the USA, both face discrimination (often from the same ppl). So, it can be doubly hurtful to either community if one feels the other has turned on it.

2. The "connection" is that they repeated same Farrakhanist tropes, distinctive to...2/ Image
Jul 9, 2020 4 tweets 4 min read
Under guise of "#humanrights", protesters scream "Allahu akbar" & "the Jews are our dogs" at anti-Israel rally. Apparently, "no one is free when others are oppressed" applies to all but Jews--"dogs" to be subjugated. But y'all #notantisemitic tho, right? 🙄 ImageImage Here's the video, in case you can't see it in my previous tweet (possible if on desktop):

Jun 30, 2020 15 tweets 9 min read
Thread: In today's episode of Academics Say the Darndest Things, (former?) @UTAustin prof @spwells says that he "despise[s]" the "Apartheid oppressor" Israelis, who thus all "deserve to die."

What a paragon of moral fortitude & human rights advocacy!

H/t UTA law's @JordanCope12 ImageImage Meanwhile @UTAustin's response to this grotesque display of hate = almost non-existent; its @Twitter statement is a dismissive, weak-kneed, boilerplate claim that @spwells' contract ended at the end of spring semester.

Yet Wells' @LinkedIn lists his 5-yr job there as 'present'. ImageImage
Jun 26, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
I've been really struggling w #BlackLivesMatter

1. I support the *statement* SO deeply, bc I know that for centuries in 🇺🇸, the idea that Black lives *don't* matter has been institutionalized, enshrined in law. I'll affirm that Black Lives DO Matter till pigs fly. 2. I struggle w/ the anti-Zionism & anti-Semitism expressed by many of the @Blklivesmatter @Mvmnt4BlkLives leaders, & their refusal to 'cancel' Jew-haters like Farrakhan, & ppl who defend him/ make excuses for his Jew-hate.
Jun 18, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
Ok y'all, here it is: @AMPalestine is hosting Amir Abdel Malik Ali tonight to talk #BLM. This is despite *two deacdes* worth of his open Farrakhanist Jew-hate, conspiracy-mongering, & classification as a "domestic Jihadist" by @splcenter.

But AMP's "not anti-Semitic", right? 🙄 Image Now will you designate @AMPalestine (& leaders @HatemBazian @OsamaAbuirshaid @TaherHerzallah) as a "hate group"? I've sent many such requests w tons of evidence. No response, @heidibeirich. Ya think maybe y'all want to take this seriously now?… Image
Jun 16, 2020 4 tweets 6 min read
Hey @UCBerkeley, your lecturer (@HatemBazian) & his org (@AMPalestine) are apparently hosting Amir Abdel Malik Ali in a #BLM webinar. Even the @splcenter calls him a "domestic jihadist" & he's repeatedly professed his support for Hamas & Hezbollah. Is this of any concern to you? ImageImage CC: @Islamist_Watch @meforum @CAMERAorg @CAMERAonCampus @ADL @BDSreport

@Blklivesmatter @Mvmnt4BlkLives: Is this the kind of person you want coopting #BLM? Are you willing to allow bigots to appropriate struggle for Black rights to promote an unrelated, hateful agenda?
Jun 16, 2020 10 tweets 8 min read
Nope, I am not imagining it. @AMPalestine is actually planning a #BLM webinar on Thursday w/ Amir Abdel Malik Ali.

Yep, you read that right. @HatemBazian's org is openly working with this guy 👇 Amir Abdel Malik Ali has *openly* expressed support for Hamas, Hizbollah, & Islamic Jihad.

Even @splcenter has referred to him a "domestic jihadist".
May 29, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
W/ the proliferation of racism/ violence against Black Americans, I'm seeing a lot of moral outrage & discussion re systemic anti-Blackness. Good! We should be outraged & we should be talking about this.

What we should NOT do is distorting history to fit polemical narratives. I've seen many claim that enslaving others was exclusively practiced by Whites/ Europeans, & that exclusively Brown ppl have been enslaved. False. Light-skinned Europeans were enslaved (racism was a part) for centuries w/i the Muslim world, throughout 1300 yrs of Muslim conquest.
May 13, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
This is a good ex of selective memory, Orwellian rhetoric, & historical revisionism used by anti-Israel folks.
1. Amit & his unit entered Yaabad to arrest members of an active terror cell. That is, ppl who had or planned to murder Israeli Jews simply bc they're Israeli Jews. 1/ ImageImageImage 2. Had @IDF wanted to "kill & occupy whomever & whatever it wants" in that moment, it wouldn't have sent in an elite unit to execute a ground op. This, as we have seen, is an extremely risky operation for the soldiers, bc nearby Palestinians are frequently wont to kill them. 2/
May 13, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
.@yousefslym = a useful case study of attitudes behind so-called concern for Palestinian welfare/ human rights. He concludes his anti-humanitarian comment here w/ the Islamist 'mating call': "Allahu Akbar", or "Allah [god of Muslims, *not Jews or Christians*] is greater/est".
1/ Image "Allahu Akbar" is not only a declaration of faith. It is also a declaration of Muslim supremacy over Jews & Christians. It is meant to convey to us that Islam will again prevail, that Jews will once again be a subjugated minority (a second-class citizen or *dhimmi*)...
May 6, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
The phrase "Never Again" was coined initially to refer only to the Shoah--& to emphasize its biggest lesson (the biggest lesson from all Jewish persecution thru history): self-determination & acute awareness of the threats arrayed against our ppl are necessary for our survival. Never Again has been co-opted & twisted to refer to a vague universalist 'anti-genocide'-ism. But the real lesson of the Shoah isn't "never again for anyone". That's what any genocide should teach us. The lesson of the Shoah is the *unique* virulence, power, & appeal of Jew-hate.
May 5, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
So @jvplive actually broadcasts that its "Jewish" members know zero re Jewish belief, spirituality, culture. This girl seems *proud* when she admits to avoiding Hebrew school. She literally brags re being intellectually incurious & JVP makes it into some perverted badge of honor. I also love how she's making a dumb kissy duck-face thru the whole clip, incl when she proudly admits to making Holocaust jokes.
This is so totally not about "Palestinian human rights". It's about the vanity & self-absorption of vapid @jvplive members.
Apr 21, 2020 7 tweets 9 min read
Things you & @DebDingell should know re @AMPalestine, at whose recent $$-raising gala you spoke:
1. Govt Affairs staff @kelhosseiny has posted a poem which includes: "We will not cease from supporting the religion of Muhammad against the Jews, for we are all [his supporters]. ImageImage 2. AMP-MO exec dir (& @CAIRNational activist) @neveen__a has tweeted things like this, but then insisted that "anti-Zionism" and "anti-Semitism" are completely separate. ImageImageImageImage
Feb 25, 2020 7 tweets 14 min read
I can't get over how grossly hypocritical this is. He's concerned @AIPAC provides a platform for bigotry, but will literally share a stage at @ISNAHQ con w some of the worst Islamist bigots in the US, almost all of whom publicly state that the Jewish state should be eliminated. @AIPAC @ISNAHQ Let's review @ISNAHQ's bigotry, @People4Bernie @SenSanders, shall we?

At 2018 ISNA con, your buddy @lsarsour gave a speech in which she warned the audience not to "humanize" Israelis. Who are, in fact (in case you didn't know) actual humans.…
Dec 31, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
Short musing thread:
I often ask myself why @jvplive & @IfNotNowOrg folks feel the need to so bitterly castigate the Jewish state--while simultaneously trumpeting their own supposed Jewishness/ making Jewish practice a public performance?

One explanation I've come up with: 1/ For these (often very insecure, not-self-assured) ppl, there is little that's more important than being universally liked. They show a pathological need for approval, & consensus that they themselves are moral. @richard_landes' points re "moral narcissism" are helpful here. 2/
Dec 30, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
THREAD: This is grotesque. By insinuating that all "violent anti-Semitism" is "intimately connected" w/ White Nationalism, INN 1. absolves perpetrators of the recent spate of likely Black Nationalist-related anti-Jewish violence of blame (soft bigotry of low expectations) 2. hinders the development of effective policy solutions & anti-bigotry initiatives by retarding the public's understanding of the underlying ideologies behind these recent (and other) anti-Semitic attacks
Dec 20, 2019 6 tweets 6 min read
The woman who attacked two Israeli Jews on the @MTA while screaming vile anti-Semitic epithets (Zarinah Ali) was arrested and charged w assault.… In a bizarre irony, this violent anti-Semite seems to have a career in hospitality & customer service. She also apparently worked at @amazon. She calls herself "outgoing, ambitious, responsible." Umm... ImageImageImageImage
Dec 5, 2019 5 tweets 8 min read
SO many distortions @AMPalestine @PalestineConv: Lecture on JRU by @AbdallahMarouf in which he says the city has 2 of the holiest sites of Islam & Christianity. Ofc he doesn't mention the holiest JEWISH site there, which PREDATED THE OTHER TWO.… @AMPalestine @PalestineConv @AbdallahMarouf .@RashidaTlaib u claim to fight racism/ injustice. Will u condemn his complete erasure of Jewish history at #AMP19, where u "proud[ly]" spoke? Will u condemn his tweets re the "enmity of the criminal Jews"? Will u condemn @AMPalestine for hosting him despite his anti-Semitism? Image