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Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Sep 3, 2020, 12 tweets

HD footage thread: Last night following the police shooting death of 18-year-old #DeonKay, protesters gathered outside the D7 police station in DC.

Police retreated briefly into the station, but ultimately physically pushed the crowd back.

During the confrontation that ensued, activists and police would shine strobe lights into eachothers' eyes on the front lines.

One officer made a "crying" gesture when protesters made fun of him because another cop told him to put his flashlight away.

"Where's your head at right now," a protester asked a cop. "How upset are you on a scale of one to three?"

The officer flashed an "OK" "👌" symbol in response.

"Ok, see that's a white power sign, dumbass" an activist replied.

The cop shook his head "no."

#DeonKay's aunt confronted MPD Lieutenant Bagshaw.

"I'm really hurting. I'm not shedding tears," she said. "God got him. But it's not the point about that, it's the way he went with the police."

"The police out here just killing people like they're the fucking Ku Klux Klan."

ANC Commissioner Paul Trantham told me "the video will be released tomorrow morning by the mayor, and according to them, the video shows where the police acted correctly."

It's noon as I tweet this. The video is expected to come out later today, but hasn't yet.

ANC Commissioner Paul Trantham tried to tell Deon Kay's aunt that Mayor Bowser and Chief of Police Newsham assured him the video would come out.

He claimed, "I'm not saying it's right or wrong."

"My nephew was an honor role student, he loved going to school," his aunt told me when I asked about his life. "He liked doing artistic stuff. He was always alone."

"Whatever happened I don't know. I just want justice."

"That's all I want is justice."

As I was interviewing Deon Kay's aunt, next to us ANC Commissioner Paul Trantham was arguing with a Black Lives Matter activist who accused him of "kissing the motherfucking police's ass."

The two were forced apart by activists and police.

"Arrest the cops! Arrest the cops!"

The rally outside the police station continued into the night. Other than the very beginning, it remained peaceful.

More to come, as I also collected footage of the protesters gathering last night at Mayor Bowser's house...

Police have released bodycamera footage showing their shooting death of Deon Kay.

I will continue to post about last night's activism in this thread, but see the threw quote-tweeted below for more on the shooting itself.

At the protest last night, protesters forced @fox5dc's reporters to leave, accusing them of wanting to "criminalize" the individual police shot.

I've posted an uncut HD video of that incident here:

Here is the full, HD video summary of the protest last night that formed within hours at the D7 police station after the shooting of Deon Kay.

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