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Cornhusker, two-year New Mexican, previous Portlander, and former Seattleite | Back home in The Good Life at @1011_News

Sep 6, 2020, 6 tweets

A look at opposing rallies in Shelton this afternoon. On one side, a “Back the Blue” crowd. On the other, Black Lives Matter. Plenty of police, open carry and chanting going on. BLM supporters have marched to the Mason Co Juvenile Detention Center #KOMONews

Police breakup a group of people getting chippy. Haven’t seen any violence so far. I did speak with one woman with the BLM group who’s from Shelton. She says she’s disappointed to see the “racism” in the place she grew up #KOMONews

Arguing at this parking lot, a group of pro-Trump supporters say if law enforcement wasn’t present, these protesters “wouldn’t be standing here.” Each side trying to drown out the chants of the other #KOMONews

A few photos from a brief standstill. BLM supporters now marching again with that pro-Trump group following behind #KOMONews

UPDATE: A good chunk of the BLM group has left after someone on a bull horn told them to pack up. @wastatepatrol also just showed up a short time ago #KOMONews

A lot of commotion just now in Shelton. People say someone driving an RV went tearing through a parking lot, hitting a tailgate on a parked truck. A man was hanging on to the RV, he dropped his gun and held on for a few blocks before falling off. I’m told he’s ok #KOMONews

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