Teresa Chan | 陳敏怡 Profile picture
Founding Dean & VP Medical Affairs @TorontoMet School of Medicine Alumni: @UofT @SchulichMedDent @machealthsci @UICdme @UofPeople #MedEd #FOAMed

Sep 7, 2020, 18 tweets

Next up is me! #FacDev #AMEE2020

Try to design your #FacDev with the end-user in mind. Be empathetic to their needs, build with them in mind. #AMEE2020

Read here: link.springer.com/article/10.100…

Let's design with deeper empathy. An example of this is the Yilmaz (@YusufYilmazPhD) model of #JustInTime #FacDev

Definitely, check out what's already out there in the world for #FacDev. Many of us are sharing in the true spirit of open access education. #AMEE2020

Check out: macpfd.ca (& follow @MacPFD)
Check out: aliem.com/medic and aliem.com/library
All free

We should consider ways to rewards achievement. #FacDev #AMEE2020

Here is the model that @YusufYilmazPhD and I are developing now. #FacDev #AMEE2020

Next up is Dr. Pat O'Sullivan from @UCSF! #FacDev #AMEE2020

The #COVID19 pandemic has been a time for us to reconsider our work and there are lots of opportunities to engage in #FacDev research & scholarship. #AMEE2020

Dr. O'Sullivan suggests that when starting a new research project to start with the literature. #FacDev #AMEE2020

Consider a Knowledge Claims Table. #FacDev #AMEE2020

Next, formulate a good research question.
#FacDev #AMEE2020

Read here: journals.lww.com/academicmedici…

Definitely writing is the hardest part. Here are some tips from Dr. O'Sullivan.

Join groups like UCSF Escape:

#FacDev #AMEE2020

Next up Dr. Ugo Caramori (@UCaramori) to speak on how fostering trainees and students can help us do the best #FacDev #AMEE2020

@UCaramori talks about the power of the new banana! #FacDev #AMEE2020

Consider how to enhance student engagement to encourage them to see #MedEd #HPE #FacDev as career possibilities. I know this definitely helped me become the #FacDev leader that I am today, it all began when I was a student at @SchulichMedDent! #AMEE2020

Definitely forming a community of practice is key for supporting new educators whether they be students, residents, fellows, or new faculty! #FacDev #AMEE2020

A collection of @UCaramori's good practices for #FacDev #AMEE2020

Thank you all for attending our #FacDev Good Practices talk at #AMEE2020! And thanks to the (virtual) standing ovation :D

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