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Sep 7, 2020, 20 tweets

We’re at the Capitol where there are dueling rallies, one in support of Trump and the other in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Follow along here for live updates! #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

There are lots of weapons on the Trump side, including guns, bats, batons, knives and bear spray. The BLM side has a couple baseball bats. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

We have been told that earlier this afternoon bear spray was used by people from the Trump rally after someone grabbed one of their flags. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

Both sides have moved back from the street onto sidewalks in what appears to be an attempt to de-escalate tensions. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

Both crowds are currently pretty spread out. There’s some yelling back and forth, but no physical confrontation. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

The Trump caravan is on its way down from #Portland. The Trump supporters are waiting for their arrival. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

The BLM protestors are standing in the shade regrouping. A large portion of the group has left the Capitol area. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

The Trump supporters are still hanging out on the steps and in the area in front of the Capitol. Several more cars with Trump & American flags have arrived. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

There are a lot of flags here: Trump, American, thin blue line, Proud Boys and more. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #clypiancoverage

The crowd is chanting “USA” as a group of people, including several Proud Boys, unfold an American flag at the top of the steps. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #clypiancoverage

The Proud Boys/Trump supporters just bull rushed the BLM protestors. They shot paintballs at the group, punched and maced at least one person. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

.@SalemPoliceDept stopped the Proud Boys/Trump supporters from continuing to rush BLM protestors. They ordered at least one to drop their paint gun. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #clypiancoverage

Trump supporters/Proud Boys just ran up to a BLM supporter in the Capitol Mall, shot her w paintballs and hit her. @SalemPoliceDept and @ORStatePolice broke up the attack. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #clypiancoverage

Two people from the Trump/Proud Boy side were arrested, both were carrying weapons and were escorted away by police. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

Police told the protestors to go back to the Capitol. They moved back a little but remained in a line on the mall. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

A member of the press corps from Portland was just shot with paintballs as protestors yelled “Antifa press” at him. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

The scene here has calmed down and people are spread out chatting. All the BLM protestors seem to have left a little while ago. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #clypiancoverage

A group of the Trump supporters/Proud Boys ran into the Capitol park & around the Capitol after people were allegedly messing with a flag. The people were gone by the time they arrived. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage

A lot of the cars flying Trump flags here have their front and back license plates removed or taped over, like both of these trucks. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #clypiancoverage

There are less than 100 people here and more seem to be leaving. The group is mostly standing on this corner talking and waving at honking cars. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #clypiancoverage

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