Clypian Profile picture
Student journalists from South Salem High School. Stay informed here with updates on sports, school events, & Salem-Keizer news! "Student Powered Media!"❤️💙
Sep 27, 2020 7 tweets 12 min read
We swung by Riverfront Park where there’s a bake sale to raise funds to help people affected by the wildfires. The event was organized by “patriots against racism,” mainly Epilogue Kitchen which has been involved in #BLM organizing. #Oregonfires #santiamfires #oregon #wildfire The bake sale sold out after 1.5 hours. They are still handing out free masks & anti-racism info, plus registering people to vote. 100% of the proceeds will go to help with wildfire relief. #oregon #salemoregon #santiamfire #oregonfires #wildfire #oregonwildfires #wildfirerelief Image
Sep 24, 2020 15 tweets 28 min read
There are close to 200 people gathered at the Oregon Capitol to protest for Breonna Taylor, following the grand jury decision in her case. Follow along for live updates. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage Image “We need to make changes now, not after we have our own Breonna Taylor, not after we have our own Kenosha moment,” Julianne Jackson, a Black community leader, said. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage Image
Sep 13, 2020 8 tweets 17 min read
Yesterday we drove down Oregon HWY 97—the edge of the Two Four Two Fire. The fire has burned over 14,000 acres in Southern Oregon & is 7% contained. Several hot spots burned along the hwy as we passed. #fires #fire #twofourtwofire #OregonFires #OregonWildfires #oregon #wildfire ImageImageImage Along the highway, in the Two Four Two Fire zone, a sign reads “No Trespassing, Looters Will Be Shot.” The fire had burned several structures on the property behind the sign. #fires #fire #twofourtwofire #OregonFires #OregonWildfires #oregon #wildfire #wildfires Image
Sep 11, 2020 7 tweets 14 min read
We visited Salem’s @UnitedWay earlier today where donations for fire evacuees are being collected. This room had everything from food to bedding to personal hygiene products (& more). #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #oregonwildfires #wildfires #wildfiresmoke #smoke #fire #SantiamFire The tables in the center of the main room held food, toilet paper, wipes, soap, tissues, toothbrushes, toothpaste & more all donated from community members to support evacuees. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #oregonwildfires #wildfires #wildfiresmoke #smoke #fire #SantiamFire Image
Sep 9, 2020 11 tweets 23 min read
We’re at the Oregon State Fairgrounds right now where an evacuation center has been set up for people evacuating from the fires. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #oregonwildfires #wildfires #wildfiresmoke #smoke #fire #SantiamFire #clypiancoverage Image The Jackman-Long building houses a shelter run by the Red Cross. There are many tables of food, a large pile of water bottles, dozens of tables, and dozens of beds for evacuees. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #oregonwildfires #wildfires #wildfiresmoke #smoke #fire #SantiamFire Image
Sep 8, 2020 6 tweets 15 min read
Salem’s air quality is currently “very unhealthy” per the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Limit your time outdoors if possible. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #oregonwildfires #wildfires #wildfiresmoke #smoke #fire #BeachieCreekFire #clypiancoverage Image Very unhealthy air quality means that everyone may experience more serious side effects. To avoid the smoke stay indoors whenever possible & leave windows/doors closed. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #oregonwildfires #wildfires #wildfiresmoke #smoke #fire #BeachieCreekFire Image
Sep 8, 2020 4 tweets 8 min read
On another note, the wildfire smoke is really heavy downtown right now and the air quality is extremely poor. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #clypiancoverage ImageImage A group of men with guns and paint guns just followed a group of apparent BLM protestors through the Capitol mall. The people left without any physical confrontation. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #clypiancoverage Image
Sep 7, 2020 20 tweets 38 min read
We’re at the Capitol where there are dueling rallies, one in support of Trump and the other in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Follow along here for live updates! #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage There are lots of weapons on the Trump side, including guns, bats, batons, knives and bear spray. The BLM side has a couple baseball bats. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #BLMprotest #clypiancoverage Image
Aug 15, 2020 15 tweets 28 min read
We’re at the Oregon State Capitol where 100+ people are gathered for the Reopen Oregon Rally. About 50 Black Lives Matter demonstrators are also sitting on/by the steps. Follow along for live updates! #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR One speaker from the Reopen Oregon Rally is talking about the need to fight child sex trafficking & change laws so that perpetrators serve more serious sentences for child sexual abuse both online & in person. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR Image
Aug 15, 2020 43 tweets 98 min read
We’re up in North Portland where a group of several hundred protestors is facing a police line on N Ainsworth St. Follow along for live updates! #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #oregon #pdx #pdxprotest
#clypiancoverage Protestors began to march in this direction from Peninsula Park around 9:20. They marched while chanting “Say his/her name” and responding with the names of victims of police brutality. #portland #salem #salemoregon #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #pdx
Aug 5, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Rian Gayle, a Deaf, Black advocate, is now presenting. He is discussing racism and ableism in the police force. #Salem #SalemProtest #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #SalemOR #oregonprotests #blmprotests
#clypiancoverage Image Gayle is discussing how officers fail to handle disabilities appropriately. He said that they are required to make accommodations for people with disabilities, however, often the officers fail to write back and forth with him, instead forcing Gayle to read their lips.
Jul 23, 2020 4 tweets 9 min read
Something is burning on the other side of the reinforced fence. #portland #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #PortlandOR #oregon #PDXprotests #PDX #clypiancoverage The fire seems to be a small trash fire. However there are strong gusts of wind which are making the fire grow and shrink rapidly. #portland #PortlandProtest #portlandoregon #oregon #portlandprotests #PortlandOR #oregon #PDXprotests #PDX #clypiancoverage
Jul 21, 2020 4 tweets 8 min read
Several unmarked vehicles with federal officers inside enter the Federal Courthouse. At least two of the cars had Texas license plates. #portland #PortlandProtest #portlandprotests #PortlandOregon #PortlandOR #oregon #BLMprotest #PDXprotests #PDX #clypiancoverage For context, unidentified federal officers have been sued by the Oregon AG for using unmarked vehicles (some w out-of-state plates) to apprehend people from the streets of Portland. #portland #PortlandProtest #portlandprotests #PortlandOregon #PortlandOR #portlandkidnappings
Jul 20, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
Some of the riot control muntions that were used on protestors tonight, including some type of chemical smoke and CS gas (tear gas). #portland #PortlandProtest #portlandprotests #PortlandOregon #PortlandOR #oregon #BLMprotest #PDXprotests #PDX #munitions #Teargas #clypiancoverage Image Here’s another canister of CS gas from tonight. Protestors were unsure as to what caused the canister to split as it did. Image
Sep 7, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
The Cross Country Boys Varsity team also placed 2nd overall out of the ten teams at the meet. Great job Saxons! @salemkeizer @OSAASports @SJSports #orpreps #clypiancoverage ImageImageImage Evan Gonzalez led the way for South placing 5th with a time of 16:41 minutes.
Sep 7, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
Great job to the Girls Varsity Cross Coutry team! They placed 2nd overall in their meet today. @SJSports @salemkeizer @OSAASports #orpreps #clypiancoverage ImageImageImage Paige Trautman led the saxons placing 5th with a time of 20:07 minutes.
May 28, 2019 8 tweets 7 min read
Varsity baseball plays in @Osaa semi finals TODAY at Jesuit High School. First pitch is a 5, be there to support our Saxons! @salemkeizer @SJSports @SSaxonsBaseball #clypiancoverage Image End of 1st inning
@SSaxonsBaseball: 0
@TheSaderNation: 1
May 24, 2019 7 tweets 2 min read
Varsity baseball plays in the @OSAASports quarterfinals TODAY vs. West Linn. Be at Gilmore Field @ 5 to show your support to our Saxons!❤️ @salemkeizer @SJSports #ClypianCoverage ImageImageImageImage Saxons strike first
End of inning 1 Saxons - 3 West Lin - 0
May 20, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Varsity baseball takes on Sheldon in the 1st round of playoffs at Gilmore @ 5. Be there, be rowdy!❤️💙@SSaxonsBaseball @salemkeizer @SJSports @OSAASports #ClypianCoverage

Pc: @melaniaumulapp Image End of Inning 1
Saxon’s - 8
May 25, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Tonight’s game at Gilmore Field starts @ 5pm against Sprague! Follow our thread tonight to get updates during the game! #ClypianCoverage @OSAASports @salemkeizer @SSaxonsBaseball @SpragueOlys @J_McDonald81 @Saxoninfo Image The game is tied after one inning with a score of 0-0 going into the top of the second
May 23, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
2nd round of Varsity Baseball playoffs are TONIGHT @ Gilmore Field! First pitch is at 5 pm! #ClypianCoverage @SSaxonsBaseball @BHSBaseballOR @OSAASports @Saxoninfo @salemkeizer Image Turn our tweet notifications on to get updates on the game tonight on this thread!