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Sep 8, 2020, 8 tweets


Sheffield United have raided Derby for their fullbacks, reportedly for £11m total. Let's start with Jayden Bogle, who was featured in our Ultimate Second-Tier XI a while back:…

1/8 #SUFC #TwitterBlades

Bogle is a smarterscout young prospect, which means our algorithm flagged him to star at a higher level. Here are his stats at a Premier League standard – already above average in our model ratings at RB, but mediocre so far in duels. Defending quality improved in 2019-20!


Bogle used a lot of short passes on the right flank, but as he got close to the box there were more dribbles and longer passes thrown in. That's usually good for a fullback – cross if the defender steps off, take him on if he's in close.


If we look for players in the Premier League with a similar style of play to Bogle's across our eight dimensions of actions, he's Adam Smith. Some good names here.


Now onto Max Lowe. He's older than Bogle, but his stats at LB – his natural side, though he's also played RB – aren't quite as attractive. He does offer aggressive defending, though.


Lowe is another fullback who can mix things up as he gets close to the opposition's penalty area, though he didn't make it into the box as often as Bogle did last season. Lowe also comes inside more in midfield, which will give Wilder options when he plays.


If we look for similar players to Lowe in the Premier League, he's Arthur Masuaku. But again, some other good names in here. If he can improve his skills under Wilder, there'll be plenty to work with.


Interested in comparing Lowe and Bogle to Sheffield United's incumbent players on the flanks? You can do it on our site with just a couple of clicks. Just select the Players panel on your History page. Hope you enjoy!


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