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Superheroes and Phillies. Freelance comics critic for hire. Published in @PanelxPanel @comicsbeat @comicsxf @CBR. Nonprofit guy. Dad.

Sep 9, 2020, 8 tweets

Some of the religious art of #JackKirby (I believe these colors were added by someone else, the original inks (below post) hung in Jack’s house.

Some of the religious art of #JackKirby

A portrait of Moses by #JackKirby (courtesy of the Jack Kirby collector)

More religious art from Kirby— Jacob wrestles the Angel #JackKirby

In 1989 #JackKirby collaborated with sculptor Glenn Kolleda to produce a limited run statue of his Jacob piece. An interesting example of both his religious work and his artistic desire to experiment

Joshua at the walls of Jericho—religious art by #JackKirby

Even more religious work by #JackKirby

This is the last piece of religious art by #JackKirby I can find. It might be my favorite.

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