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May 22nd 2023
🧵Diving into the unique styles of 10 iconic AMERICAN COMIC ARTISTS.

Each one has a distinctive approach that sets them apart in the world of comics. Let's explore what makes each of them unique, using #STARWARS as a common reference point for comparison.🎨🚀

Prompts in ALTs. Image
1. #JackKirby (1940s-1990s)

Known for his dynamic, kinetic, explosive, and trailblazing style, Kirby's work is bold, innovative, full of raw energy, and unmistakably grandiose. star wars by Jack Kirby, in...Image
2. #BillWatterson (1985-1995)

Watterson's style is expressive, whimsical, imaginative, and deeply heartfelt, perfectly capturing the boundless energy, wide-eyed wonder, and poignant innocence of childhood in "Calvin and Hobbes". star wars by Bill wars by Bill Watterson...
Read 12 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
Some of the religious art of #JackKirby (I believe these colors were added by someone else, the original inks (below post) hung in Jack’s house. Image
Some of the religious art of #JackKirby Image
A portrait of Moses by #JackKirby (courtesy of the Jack Kirby collector) Image
Read 8 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
Love how #NewGods begins with an epilogue. This is a mythology born out of destruction, WW2 vet’s search for meaning as the world marches along through the shadow of the Cold War. it’s a postmodern rejection of the myth that defined the 20th century. #jackkirby #comics Image
When the bomb dropped, the old world died. Image
In the face of oppression, free thought and individualism is an act of rebellion, and the only way to be truly alive. (Mr. Miracle 2) Image
Read 110 tweets

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