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Sep 10, 2020, 25 tweets

What Is Anemia?
Anemia develops when you don't have enough robust, healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout your body. The blood cells may lack enough hemoglobin, the protein that gives blood its red color. Anemia affects about 7% of the US population and is more common

in women of child-bearing age, the elderly, women of color and Hispanic women.

Symptoms of Anemia
If you're often tired even though you've slept well or you lack the energy for normal activities, you may have anemia. It can be an underlying cause of memory or mood problems. Symptoms range from none to mild to life-threatening and may include:

Pale skin
Numbness or coldness in hands and feet
Low body temperature
Shortness of breath on exertion

Heart-Related Symptoms
People with anemia have less oxygen in their blood, which means the heart must work harder to pump enough oxygen to their organs. Cardiac-related symptoms include arrhythmia (an abnormal heart rhythm), shortness of breath, and chest pain.

Anemia in Children
Many preschool children are anemic, most often because they don't have enough iron in their diet. People who have iron-deficiency anemia may feel the urge to eat inappropriate things like dirt, clay, ice, or starch, a behavior called pica.

Paediatricians typically test all children for anemia at 12 months. Without treatment, a severe case of anemia could permanently affect brain development.

Anemia Risk Factors
Women and people with chronic diseases have the greatest risk of anemia. When women lose blood in heavy menstrual periods, they may become anemic. Pregnancy also causes changes in a woman's blood volume that can result in anemia.Anemia Risk Factors

Women and people with chronic diseases have the greatest risk of anemia. When women lose blood in heavy menstrual periods, they may become anemic. Pregnancy also causes changes in a woman's blood volume that can result in anemia. Chronic diseases such as kidney disease can affect

the body's ability to make red blood cells. A diet low in iron, folate, or vitamin B12 also increases your risk. And some types of anemia are hereditary.

If your teen often is fatigued, anemia might be a cause. Teens are at risk of iron-deficiency anemia because of their sudden growth spurts. Teen girls also are more prone to anemia because of their menstrual periods.

Cause: Low Iron Intake
A diet that's low in iron can cause anemia. Iron from plants and supplements isn't absorbed as well as the iron in red meat. Digestive concerns such as Crohn's disease, celiac disease, or even having gastric bypass surgery can interfere with iron absorption

. And some foods and medicines can hinder iron uptake when taken with iron-rich foods. They include:

Other calcium-rich foods
Calcium supplements

Cause: Vitamin Deficiency
The body needs both vitamin B12 and folate to make red blood cells. A diet too low in these vitamins sometimes can cause anemia. An autoimmune disorder or digestive problem also can prevent your body from absorbing enough B12.

Animal-based foods and fortified breakfast cereals are good sources of B-12. Folate is in leafy green vegetables, fruits, dried beans, and peas, and is added to breads, pastas, and cereals as folic acid.

Cause: Illness
Chronic illness or infection can cause the body to make fewer red blood cells. This can result in a mild drop in hemoglobin. If you have significant blood loss, then you may develop iron-deficiency anemia.

And some drugs and medical treatments can also put you at risk for anemia. Consult your doctor to see if you need iron or other supplements.

Cause: Aplastic Anemia
Aplastic anemia is a rare disorder in which the bone marrow doesn't make enough blood cells to supply the body. It affects only about two in one million people. It can be caused by high doses of radiation, certain chemical exposures, viruses,

or an autoimmune disorder in which your body attacks the bone marrow. Some cases are inherited. In severe cases, people need blood transfusions or even a bone marrow transplant.

Cause: Blood Loss
Losing too many red blood cells is a common cause of anemia. Heavy menstruation, ulcers, injury, or surgery can cause enough blood loss to lead to iron-deficiency anemia. Women who have heavy menstrual periods should be tested for anemia.

Cause: Faulty Blood Cell MechanicsInherited disorders can affect your body's production of red blood cells. Thalassemias cause the body to make fewer healthy red blood cells and less hemoglobin -- and may be treated with blood transfusions as well as other treatments.

Among people with hemolytic anemia, red blood cells are destroyed and cleaned out of the bloodstream too quickly.

SICKLE CELL ANAEMIA is an inherited disorder in which the body produces an abnormal form of hemoglobin. This causes red blood cells to change from round to a sickle shape and become stuck together. That can make it difficult for them to pass through blood vessels, leading

to pain and damage to body tissues. The red blood cells also die more quickly than normal red blood cells. In the U.S., sickle cell anemia is more common among African-Americans and Hispanics.
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