Sapna Kudchadkar, MD, PhD Profile picture
#Anesthesiologist-In-Chief @HopkinsKids. Professor & Vice Chair for #PedsICU & #PedsAnes @HopkinsMedicine. @PICU_Up Director. Researcher. Mom. 🎺

Sep 10, 2020, 5 tweets

Next up @PALISInet is @M_Duffett discussing a hot topic!

Impt. website:

2 key @PedCritCareMed papers

Social Network Analysis:…

#Gender & Authorship:…

#clinicaltrials #PedsICU #WomenInMedicine

How do you evaluate an authorship network and patterns of collaboration via @M_Duffett @PALISInet #PedsICU #clinicaltrials

.@M_Duffett @PALISInet: What about the 164 groups with 1 RCT each? What happened? How do we continue to build their expertise and momentum? The patterns continue to be the same.

Plug for my editorial on the social network analysis paper in @PedCritCareMed…

Global patterns of collaborations for RCTs via @M_Duffett

International collaboration means more impact- we need to expand our bubbles! #PedsICU @PALISInet

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