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Sep 11, 2020, 7 tweets

We visited Salem’s @UnitedWay earlier today where donations for fire evacuees are being collected. This room had everything from food to bedding to personal hygiene products (& more). #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #oregonwildfires #wildfires #wildfiresmoke #smoke #fire #SantiamFire

The tables in the center of the main room held food, toilet paper, wipes, soap, tissues, toothbrushes, toothpaste & more all donated from community members to support evacuees. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #oregonwildfires #wildfires #wildfiresmoke #smoke #fire #SantiamFire

This corner of the room was solely dedicated to diapers for little ones who had to evacuate. One of today’s deliveries was a lady who started a Facebook fundraiser and brought over even more diapers. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #wildfires #BeachieCreekFire #fire #SantiamFire

There were three large separate piles of donated clothes. Stephanie, who was managing the donations, said that volunteers hadn’t gotten the chance to organize these piles yet because so many people were bringing donations. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #wildfires #SantiamFire #fire

Some of the water that has been donated is being stored in this boxcar. Donations are continually distributed, for example, earlier today much of the donated dog food was collected by the Humane Society. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #wildfires #SantiamFire #fire #BeachieCreekFire

Volunteers collected & organized donations throughout the day. This boxcar was full of labelled boxes for volunteers to sort donated clothes into. You can sign up to volunteer at #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #wildfires #SantiamFire #fire #BeachieCreekFire

United Way continues to ask for more donations (items below) to help support the growing number of evacuees in Oregon. Donations can be made at 455 Bliler Ave. NE, Salem. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #wildfires #SantiamFire #fire #BeachieCreekFire #clypiancoverage

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