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PRGuy. Back soon 🎣 The personal views and opinions of Jeremy Maluta.

Sep 12, 2020, 16 tweets

Is Scott Morrison a bully? #auspol

Yes vs. No over time:

A few 'no' votes have trickled in.

Not looking good for the 'no' case.

An organic curve on the left, compared with the 'curve' in the recent Channel 9 poll, since deleted by Channel 9 after it was hit with a bot attack of 160,000 'no' votes.

8AM Sunday 13 Sept #ScottyTheBully vote:

9AM, the 'no' voters turn up

10:40AM A little later than expected, the race is on.

As predicted, like moths to a flame, the call's gone out to 'flip' the poll, 'put things right' etc. They can't resist using their spare time to 'flip' meaningless twitter polls 😄

Sunday 13 Sept 1pm - the 'no' vote is on track to 'flip' the poll. If there's a no-show at Freedom Walk 2.0 today, I apologise, many would-be attendees are too busy passing around my Twitter poll experiment now 🥴

13 Sept 2:45pm - The 'no' vote edges closer to the 50% mark after a whopping 6 hour effort by Freedom Walkers to 'flip' the poll. You have to admire their stubborn resolve; they've spent their day pleading with others to vote in a Twitter poll.

13 Sept 4pm - After an impressive 7.5 hour effort of pleading with people to 'flip' this poll, the 'no' vote reaches 50%. Thank you to everyone who voted, this is an interesting experiment and the data is very helpful. The poll goes for a few more days, will update.

13 Sept 10:15pm - Almost 14 hours after the 'no' vote started hammering away, they're starting to taper off. Technically to flip the poll they'll need to get it to 96% No, 4% Yes before the poll ends - are they up to the challenge?

14 Sept 4PM - The 'no' votes backed off at around the time it was brought to their attention that they'd been unknowing participants in an experiment, to the extent that the 'Yes' vote has now regained the lead. This'll be a conflicting point in time for the hijackers, no doubt.

15 Sept 12AM - The 'no' votes are dropping off. Will they return, or is the cat too far out of the bag on this experiment?

Final results -

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