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Bluesky: The personal views and opinions of Jeremy Maluta.
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Sep 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Strong statement — Lithgow community Elders, Indigenous community members and allies respond with facts on visit by Jacinta Price and David Littleproud. 1/3 👇 Image 2/3

Aug 6, 2023 27 tweets 4 min read
There's a bunch of trolls and commentators saying they're voting 'No' to get Albo out of the lodge — so here's a great big thread of all the times in the last 100 years a PM has quit over a lost referendum (hint: ZERO): #auspol 4 September 1926

To authorise the creation of authorities to control the terms and conditions of industrial employment.

Result: Not carried (43.50%)

PM: Stanley Bruce — 1923-1929 (didn't quit)
Jul 17, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
As media figures frantically try to misrepresent two more horror polls for Peter Dutton, here's a brief thread of all the times News Corp and Nine have declared Albo's honeymoon is over. Enjoy. #auspol Ending soon (6 days after election). Image
Apr 5, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Here's how the Liberal Party's plan to sabotage Indigenous Australians will look: Dutton will try to deceptively rebrand their geographically diverse voice to 'The Canberra Voice' — it's a nod to Trump politics, intended to muddy the waters and take Aussies for fools. #auspol The 'No' campaign will “borrow” Indigenous artwork and feature it in ads to try to disguise the campaign as authentic and create the false impression it's predominantly led by Indigenous Australians. It will go to great effort to hide who is really behind the 'No' push.
Mar 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: Moira Deeming has assured an organiser of the rally in Melbourne that she “never condemned” them or “KJ” (Posie Parker) — just hours after John Pesutto claimed she “condemned” comments by anti-trans activists she attended a rally and post-rally meeting with. #auspol Pesutto today said the condemnations made by Deeming were “the most important part of this”, when justifying his backdown on her expulsion. Before changing his mind, Pesutto had previously said it would be “a great failure of leadership if I didn't take this action”.
Jul 29, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
FACT CHECK: Is the government really doing nothing to slow the spread?

THE CLAIM: Critics say the government has “given up” or “caved to big business” and is “doing nothing” to slow the spread.

VERDICT: False. Read on... Australia is in the grip of a Winter wave and many people are sick. Hospitals are under pressure and while vaccines have allowed us to get as close to 'normal' as pandemic life allows, there are tragically many dying and, sadly, many deaths could be avoided with vaccines.
Jul 15, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
CW — RUPERT MURDOCH'S extremist Fox News network has “put a target on the back” of a doctor who performed a critical abortion on a 10-year-old rape victim. Fox broadcast the name and photo of the doctor to its rabid audience, leading to grave concerns for her safety. Fox News later pressed the Indiana Attorney-General to investigate the doctor who performed the life-saving surgery on the child. Following backlash, Fox tried to play down the episode and insisted the rape was a conspiracy theory, despite it being confirmed by authorities.
May 12, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
MEDIA FIGHT BACK: The biggest story yesterday was Scott Morrison's bad day in Bass, following his debate loss. So naturally, media are fervently fighting back — here's a look at what's happened since: #auspol 1. The chair of Channel 9 personally intervenes in Kooyong.
May 11, 2022 79 tweets 11 min read
#LeadersDebate No. 3 — a thread. Are you ready? 25 'pub test' voters will deliver their verdict after the debate.
May 11, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

On the economy —
Howsa herse de burm in fascian. Married at first shite rershenship countant. Herma atters me and drill ya mouth. Iss kina revant and I concur writ permise.

On falling wages —
Ima know who's perminister. What a popular dentistry. On Scott Morrison —
Discus ern is torp blork est amya. Unmarble ina gerd mern ana tell ya what, I tell ya what, we will krip isnation in gerd hens. Were ya now.

On teal independents —
Dern off inresponsible ferma hat. Ferma hat! Already crab in a mister, and canna say it Greens!
May 8, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: Anthony Albanese has defeated Scott Morrison in the second #LeadersDebate. While Channel 9's voting website did not work for the duration of the debate, it was a very clear victory for Albo. Morrison was shaken from the start, likely after seeing tonight's polls. There will be one more leaders' debate before the election. Albanese has won two out of two so far.
May 8, 2022 82 tweets 11 min read
#LeadersDebate — a thread for those who can't or won't watch. Grab a drink, some snacks, get comfortable... Okay, here we go, Channel 9's on-brand overly dramatic music and intro. You'd think this is a Big Brother finale. The expert panel is Chris Uhlmann, Deborah Knight and David Crowe. Vote here:…
Apr 20, 2022 82 tweets 19 min read
LEADER'S DEBATE — a thread. I'll be commentating live so you don't have to watch. #LeadersDebate #auspol Morrison won the coin toss, he's talking about resilience and glossing over his record. Already told a lie about the economy in the first 15 seconds. He's a little nervous and quite wooden, which is understandable, he's under a lot of pressure.
Feb 9, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
LABOR has secured support from coalition MPs to amend Scott Morrison's contentious religious discrimination bill. If Labor's amendments are successful, trans children will be protected under the law. Some things for you to consider 👇 Amending the laws makes them unappealing to fundamentalists who say they want Morrison to withdraw it if it doesn't pass in its original form. Protecting LGBTIQ youth must always come before protecting the entitlement of others to harm them. Labor won't negotiate on this.
Feb 1, 2022 30 tweets 6 min read
Happening now in Canberra.

Inside: Outside: Inside, Scott Morrison glosses over his failures, plays down criticism and shrugs it off. The more he speaks the worse it gets outside as they listen over a PA. They yell 'the virus isn't real' and express anger and scorn when he mentions the vaccine. Idiots inside and outside.
Jan 31, 2022 29 tweets 9 min read
QANON CULT: A speaker at the #ConvoyToCanberra crowd outside Parliament House has told the fervent crowd “the storm is coming” and they're “here to fight pedophiles as society has been infiltrated by the Devil” and they'll “win because God is on [their] side”. #QAnonCult Another speaker tells the cheering crowd “we've got a lost Parliament up here we've got to get rid of” after calling for “peace, love and civil disobedience.”
Dec 30, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
One of the far-right myths doing the rounds is that it was an innocent smoking ceremony and police fired tear gas towards it. As you can see in the photos below, taken after security cameras were painted over, that is 100% debunked. It's the second fire of its kind this month. Far-right group Millions March Against Mandatory Vaccines has claimed responsibility for the event. Live streamers broadcast the arson attack, which will make police work easier.
Dec 28, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Are super secret agents really sneaking into your private data under the cover of darkness to see how often you go to Dan Murphys?

No, here's what actually happened.

WorkSafe wanted access to QR code data.

The government said not happening, it's private.

WorkSafe flexed its muscles, but the gov't still said no, so it went to court.

The court sided with gov't. WorkSafe withdrew its application.

The gov't applied for a suppression order so the case would not be politicised and misrepresented by media to mislead Victorians.

Dec 26, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
THE AGE quietly removes the 'in NSW' bit from its headline about 400 positive cases being told they were negative on Christmas day. Can you imagine if such a thing happened in Victoria? And now sibling paper SMH uses a photo of a Melbourne hospital for the story.
Dec 17, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: In a development that will shock absolutely nobody, the Myrtleford Magistrates Court has tossed out the QAnon cult charges of treason against Dan Andrews. No doubt Dan is having a massive laugh on his holiday today 🤣 #SpringSt A "lawyer" outside the court is disappointed with the outcome and has threatened to bring charges of "treason" against the magistrate. He is now trying to sign up police officers to his cause by telling them to do their research at his website: ''
Dec 16, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
QUACK: A "lawyer" bringing "charges" of "treason" against Dan Andrews has asked a police officer to "get on board and start arresting politicians", telling the officer to peruse a website called Jesus is Lord of Melbourne so they can avail themselves of the "facts". #SpringSt Watch live here: