Hanna Liubakova Profile picture
Journalist from Belarus. Non-resident fellow @AtlanticCouncil. @OneYoungWorld Journalist of the Year. Formerly @RFERL, @Belsat_TV. 2019 @worldpressinst fellow.

Sep 13, 2020, 8 tweets

#Belarus. Happening right now in #Minsk. The video shows the current scale of the march. The interior ministry reported that at least 250 people have already been detained. Despite all arrests and repressions, people are on the streets again and again - also, all over the country

Regional cities have become important of the protests as well. Thousands of people came out to the streets in #Brest today. All major cities but also smaller ones are protesting today

*important centres of the protests. And here's today's march in Mahilou, where thousands of people came out to the streets. This is to show that people are expressing their discontent all across #Belarus. Dozens of people were brutally detained in the regions as well

More than 100,000 people are on the streets of #Minsk,as @nashaniva estimates. But thousands people are also joining from various neighbourhoods. No,it doesn't stop in spite of all brutality. #Lukashenko's security forces resources are not without limits,it's definitely expensive

In Zhodzina, a police officer hit a woman who was filming. She fell down. He then attacked someone else, I assume. To me, it's a sign of nervousness and stress. At the same time, Zhodzina is much smaller then #Minsk, he has neighbours and will not remain anonymous

For the first time since the post-election protests,security forces have used stun grenades against people near Drazdy,where top officials live. It happened just a moment ago in #Minsk. In #Brest, police used water cannons against peaceful protesters. Violence intensifies.

In #Minsk,an unidentified man (!) fired into the air to disperse protesters. The interior ministry denies that shots were made,but the video confirms it. More information is coming soon - mobile internet is disrupted, only wifi is more or less possible to use.

Interior ministry: 400 people have been detained.But this number will be higher - detentions continue right now in #Minsk. The ministry at first denied an officer shot in the air,but finally confirmed. It still denies stun grenades were used in Drazdy,but multiple sources confirm

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