Lenny Ben-David Profile picture
Public affairs/strategic consultant in Israel. Former Israeli diplomat in DC. Author of "American Interests in the Holy Land in Photos." RT ≠ endorsement

Sep 14, 2020, 5 tweets

✡️ Happy Jewish New Year. Rosh Hashanna Sameach.
In Israel & some communities around the world, Shofars will be blown in private homes & local neighborhoods.
I am setting up for services in my backyard.
Pics: Yemenite, Ashkenazi - 1934
US- 1901
Composer Leonard Bernstein 1971

✡️ /2 Jewish New Year in NY.
Pics from Lib of Congress. 100+ years ago.

✡️/3 Jewish New Year in NY.

"Tashlich" is a traditional prayer on Rosh Hashanna when Jews go to river, beach, etc (source of water) to ask forgiveness, as if they're throwing their sins away.
Pics: NY bridges 100+ y.a
Do you recognize your great-great grandmothers?
Shanna Tova!

✡️ /4 #RoshHashanah
Who were the busiest people on the eve of Rosh Hashana? Obviously, the women cooking in the kitchen, but no pics.

The other busy people were the "bootblacks."
Lib of Congress 100+y.a.

✡️/5 A major part of #RoshHashanah was sending New Year cards.
Lib of Congress pics
1. A peddler of cards on Lower East Side.
2. Cards - Moses in the reeds
3. Golden Calf & Moses smashing tablets
4. Moses & Aaron.

These cards probably decorated the Sukka 2 wks later.

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