Tay Austin Profile picture
Disaster Assist Volunteer I do my best to keep you safe & informed I'm also on Bluesky at https://t.co/WpY1MPjBqX

Sep 14, 2020, 8 tweets

For anyone getting ready to sandbag [from #Louisiana thru #Mississippi. I'm going to walk you thru...step by step, how to make your home or business as waterproof as possible.

#Sally #HurricaneSally #NOLA

Step 1
Start with heavy black plastic sheeting. What you lay down in landscaping? Its ok if you don't have that, cut garbage bags length wise and use those. Next....duct tape.

#Sally #HurricaneSally #NOLA

Once the plastic is cut to size [doors/garage] duck tape it about halfway up, leaving at least a ft or more laying on the ground.

#Sally #HurricaneSally #NOLA

Make sure it's secure and tightly tucked by running your hand down and pushing it into all openings. Space duct tape a foot or 2 apart as your go along.

#Sally #HurricaneSally #NOLA

Next comes the sandbags. Don't pile them up water will just run thru them. Instead fill them half way and lay the 1st flat pushing it tightly into a corner. Tuck flap of bag under.

#Sally #HurricaneSally #NOLA

Continue doing this, staggering the bags as you lay them. With each layer, push the bags back against the door to create a tight seal

#Sally #HurricaneSally #NOLA

Continue laying the bags and building your barricade. Make sure the flaps and tucked under the bag to keep it secure.

#Sally #HurricaneSally #NOLA

Once you have your chosen bag height, use your hands or feet to push down and back against the plastic as you go bag by bag. This will create as tight a seal as possible. Repeat steps for every door. If you are evacing you'll do that door last.

#Sally #HurricaneSally #NOLA

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