Aditya A Joshi Profile picture
AHFTx Cardiologist at @URMed_AHF. Son, Husband to @AvanteeG, Dad, Physician. @FCBarcelona. Opinions own.

Sep 17, 2020, 16 tweets

Now on is Dr. Eshtehardi @CoronaryDoc talking about "Going Live: Tweets, Tweetorials and Twitter Polls" Last talk in the session.

Great point: Structure of a simple tweet has many intricate parts! Text, hashtags, people tagged in the text AND photos, links and replies!
You can determine who can reply to the tweets.

Tweetorials are an important part of #MedTwitter #cardiotwitter education.
We also have a repository of up to 2000 tweetorials now!

Tweetorials are mini lectures! Their primary purpose is to enlight and teach others.

How do you create a tweetorial?
Know your audience.
Number your tweets to make it easy for people to follow.
Include images.
Cite your work and let everyone know about your work!

Example of a tweetorial from @CoronaryDoc & @AChoiHeart

How to make your tweetorial successful?

- Clearly have and state a purpose
- Use appropriate #Hashtags, they make your tweets searchables (ex- #YesCCT #CVnuc etc.)
- keep text short and images more
- use polls within the tweetorials
- keep number of tweets to 10-15

Provide takehome messages from the tweetorials!

Emphasizing again- tag experts, friends, other people in the field. More images more people you can tag per tweetorial.

One more shout out to @DocStrom - how to make a tweetorial.

Another example with tweetorial from @AvrahamCooperMD talking about lasix with eyecatching graphics!

@MedTweetorials has a lot of great examples!


- Ask questions from experts and peers
- challenging cases can be discussed and seek opinion from peers and experts
- replies to tweets can give you opinions from exeprts.
- can seek to know institutional trends about difference in practices

@CoronaryDoc doing a live session to create a poll on twitter LIVE while discussing at a session!

Show @CoronaryDoc that you learned all about Tweets, tweetorials and polls by creating a poll and tagging him. Also let us know your most favorite session!
@MyASNC #ASNC2020.

The session is now open for questions and answers!

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