Joonas Kiviranta Profile picture
Eurovaaliehdokas, kaupunginvaltuutettu Tampere, PS. Ex-emigrant: science, engineering, climate change. LicSc.(Tech) 🛰🌍, MSc. ✈

Sep 18, 2020, 9 tweets

As a part of its anti-racism program, the European Union will start to offer regular unconscious bias training for its employees. Gee whiz. @ConceptualJames #CynicalTheories #EU #rasismi #intersektionaalisuus…

Unconscious bias training to remedy the ills of racism is basically the modern version of using leeches to cure disease.

Not only does it not work, but if you happen to be an employee of the European Union, I can assure you that there's a 99.9% chance that you're not racist.

Furthermore, the HR staff will be subject to mandatory unconscious bias training.

The EU does make some very valid points, for instance regarding the discrimination of roma children in education, or on the use of sports to leverage a message against racism, but then they fumble the football by introducing a false "we" narrative about "structural" racism.

I fully support remembering the holocaust or the the abolition of slavery: such horrors shall never be repeated. The commission goes astray when it make silly statements about structural racism and intersectionality.

Naturally the commission's paper is rather vague at this point of time, and I may be mistaken about the true nature of the measures they plan to undertake. However, the document exhibits a sufficient amount of woke buzzwords to warrant concern and some critical questions.

For instance: incitement to violence is already illegal, so what constitutes "illegal hate speech"? What are the risks associated with trying to enforce something, that can be interpreted in a multitude of ways? Is it even within the jurisdiction of the EU to enforce such rules?

Is saying moronic things illegal? To what degree can the state, let alone the European Union, regulate personal opinions and morality?

Finally, I will leave this here, for the likes of @YasaAnter. Hazard a guess, will the commission promote truly balanced storytelling on islam and the reason that people are fleeing the middle-east, or will they simply recount islamist propaganda?

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