45th Parallel Absurdist Brigade Profile picture
mostly retweets and shitposts until the next uprising. https://t.co/Zc4by3tykp. Who put all this order here? @IWWFJU members, Golden Apple Corps.

Sep 19, 2020, 50 tweets

Tonight 9/18 I am at a gathering at Elizabeth Caruthers Park in SW Portland for #BlackLivesMatter as the city celebrates rain and resumes #PortlandProtests

Current speaker: “Now is the time, this is the home stretch!...Say her name : Breonna Taylor!”

This march is to ICE current chant: “no cops, no prisons, total abolition!”

Federal officers have made an announcement about the possible use of chemical weapons and crowd control munitions

“No borders, no nations! Abolish deportations!”

I wonder if the Feds know that every time they make an announcement it is completely drowned out by chants and music

Some of the chants are referencing the recent discoveries of eugenics style medical procedures performed at some ICE facilities msnbc.com/all-in/watch/i…

The musical choice of “immigrant song” is inspired

Current chant: “How do you spell NAZI? DHS!”

DHS rushes immediately arresting 2

There are only various varieties of federal LEOs currently but I hear what sounds like DJ LRAD

Feds withdraw south to ICE as the PPB announces that this is an unlawful assembly and we should disperse to the north ( where the LRAD is)

At this point nothing had occurred beyond chanting at the building

The second push, line is now at half a block North of the ICE facility

So these guys do not have any insignia that I can ID and their markings that say “police” are reflective but otherwise invisible as shown by my no flash/ flash pictures

This on the shoulder is all I can see that may be an insignia

Federal LEOs have pulled back almost to ICE so I predict that the Portland police are almost here

Looking again zoomed in I guess this is ICE? @1misanthrophile says “us soldiers have more ID than that”

This weird interaction

Another push and lots of gas

A small group with umbrellas holds the line for the back

Federal officers are once again lined up on SW Lowell and just unloading on the shield wall. It is smoke that is thrown back at the end

More gas as the feds move up another block

Line still holding with at least a hundred people behind them as the gas clears

A bunch of smoke set off at the protesters

In a cloud of smoke and gas the Feds use (since the PPB is not supposed to) police from both agencies rush the shield wall.

Seems like PPB makes the arrests (at least 4) while feds hold the line and lay down gas for them

Really don’t understand how the situation need you to bring a paintball gun and a silenced rifle. Seem like

Meanwhile a block away a fire hydrant is leaking

If you need a paintball gun then the m4 is unnecessary. If you need a rifle what the hell would paint balls do?

And while I was looking at that the police cross the street and threaten to arrest a person in a wheelchair

The person in the chair is yelling at police: “you want to accuse me of opening a fire hydrant?! What’s next, you going to accuse me of climbing stairs? Dunking a basketball?!”

After circling the park 3 times where protesters had regrouped the PPB drove away. Protesters march back to ICE.

Protesters resume yelling insults at ICE. 2nd photo is roof feds.

A better view from the other side of the tear gas

On the street

But the feds hate dancing

Feds go back in their building and protesters go back to singing and dancing in the street

Back out again. DHS must REALLY hates music.

That chase a person down

Another push by feds. Can anyone catch the patch on the camp guys?

Best patch photo I can get

This dhs has a thin blue line patch

While a line of feds is still holding up the street Portland police arrest another protester by the park

@1misanthrophile catches DHS punching the person they are arresting in the head

Feds withdrawal in a overly dramatic cloud of colored smoke and tear gas like a militarized wicked witch of the west

The feeds have only been setting off copious amounts of tear gas a couple of blocks away from the ICE building. This journalist wonders if it is because they don’t want to fumigate this building the way that they did the federal courthouse

And an ambulance just left the ICE building so they messed up someone

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