Zara Ahmed, DrPH😷 Profile picture
Senior Policy & Strategy Manager @Carbon_Direct. Way too into yoga, gardening, and amateur home renovations. @BrownUniversity, @UMich, @UNC. Views my own.

Sep 19, 2020, 5 tweets

It was a beautiful, sunny day in DC, with #RBG smiling down on the crowds at #SCOTUS celebrating her life.

Even if you couldn’t be there in person, know that you were there in spirit, through the heartfelt words and thanks of others. #RBGRevolution

For some, this was also a moment for politics and humor.

But for most, it was a chance to show appreciation for a lifetime of service, courage, ambition, and intellect. The volume of gratitude was overwhelming.

For me, it was a chance to reflect and think about the future. I honored the #RBGLegacy through a handmade candle using herbs from my garden. A bit of my passion to thank #RBG for hers.

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