Kristine (@schachin on Threads) 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Digital Strategist & SEO Consultant, Speaker @SMX @Pubcon @Ungagged @SXSW Writer @SEngineLand @SEJournal. ABD on a PhD. Reports fake accounts/bots.

Sep 20, 2020, 13 tweets

.@AXIOS @MSNBC @CNN @WashingtonPost @NYTimes

America needs your help to explain this to voters.

Barr is Opus Dei, Pompeo Hard D, The House on C Street, Congressmen, many of Trump's judges, & now the new proposed #SCOTUS Justice.

They are Dominionists.…

Journalists write about it, but not comprehensively.

Issues of Church & State are discussed, but it is not being tied together for voters.

Dominionists are written about as disparate people w individual beliefs, not as a political movement.

One that started in the early 80s.

One that wants an American Theocracy.

I did my first PhD attempt on religion & language in the 2000-2004 elections.

Found a political movements from the 80s, called "Bring America Back to Christ".

This is their website

Read their COR (Coalition on Revival) Documents. The way life should be under their "rule". It reads like Sharia law.…

(Cornell University has an excellent page from early 2000s dedicated to following their early rise to power.)


Get themselves elected at low levels of govt with a 24 year plan to take over the country by gaining increasing levels of power in government in larger and larger elections in order to take over the country.…


This was not a fringe idea.

Many prominent people of all walks of life, including govt, signed an initial mission document & others adopted the ideology, it was not until they started calling for the death of others that the group lost popularity, but the ideology remains today.

These ideas were fueled across Evangelicalism by Evangelical leaders such as Francis Schaeffer, @Frank_Schaeffer's father.

Dominionist Christians are acting on a political PLAN, not simply personal beliefs.

This was not just their ideology, but an actual way to accomplish it.

And when a proposed #SCOTUS Justice uses phrases like this, she is showing her alignment with that philosophy as well.

Stop reporting she is female, report on her beliefs. No one who believe God's law supersedes the Constitution should be allowed on the court.

We need voters to understand that we have a set of religious groups under Dominionist ideology, who came up w a plan 40 years ago to take over the country "for Jesus".

And they are doing just that.
Prev version of the site…

Though Theocracy Watch declared the govt free of that influence in early 2000s, there are many in the government now.

Even the weekly Congressional prayer meeting and the National Prayer Breakfast all stem from this movement.…

Voters need to know
- Pence
- Barr
- Pompeo
- Devos
- Sen Cruz
- Sen Inhofe
- Rick Perry
& so many others are part of this political movement.

And that they don't only believe in an American Theocracy, but in addition that they are destined to bring about End Days.

By God.

Most of the reporting is on one person's tie to a religious belief. People need to understand that this is a political movement that exists at our highest levels of government and that danger that presents to us as a nation.

Trump is their "useful idiot too".

Thank you.

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