Kristine (@schachin on Threads) 🇺🇦 Profile picture
Digital Strategist & SEO Consultant, Speaker & Writer ABD on a PhD. Reports fake accounts/bots.
Nov 9, 2024 4 tweets 3 min read
I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm also a huge fan of yours and tell everyone I know to donate to you.

So I hope you know I am posting this because of the anomalies, not some conspiracy theory.

People are screaming about ballots that are not rejected but still pending or not there at all.

The math in so many states does not add up.

In five states, Harris outperforms the Democrats who won in the down ballot but loses the state?

There are legal filings about mail-in ballot machines tabulating results wrong.

There are two points of vulnerability in the election that we know from actual research into voting machine hacking.

A voting card can be introduced into the system that changes the database and the backup database can only be found on a deep forensic audit or by comparing the paper ballots produced at the time of voting.

Someone in my line in Nevada had a voting card in his pocket. I was working Election Protection.

You can't get that card until you register up front and you would never go back into the line, especially because it was 2 hours long, and the voting machines were 5 ft away from where you register, so why did he have the card?

The software that is scanning the mail-in ballots. They're illegal filings, saying that the tabulations have been incorrect.

Apparently yesterday it was found out that in states, who adopted a law where you can challenge anyone's vote, there are high numbers of challenges in some states, but people did not know their vote had been challenged and you can't just cure it by calling your election office.

My state Nevada, now has this law.

Note I'm not saying we know that Trump cheated, but people are screaming from the rooftops that they are things they seeing anomalies and irregularities, and we all know in situations like this large scale anomalies can point to nefarious intent.

Anyway I'm not sure it's just something you can look into, I know other people have been trying to post you to make you aware, but I do know if anybody in our country could find out if something nefarious happened it would be you.

We need to know if #TrumpCheated


Here's a concept of how the voting machine voting card hack could have worked in 2016. Noting that in the three states he magically flipped in 2016, the ones who hadn't voted for a Republican President in years, they all had these machines.

And in the counties where those machines did not exist in those states, Trump did not over perform.

Anyway thank you so much for all that you do, I honestly believe you and your team deserve a medal of honor from president of the United States. @marceelias I always seem to miss one type of from the autocorrect, this statement was supposed to be "There are legal filings" not "They're illegal filings"
Jul 9, 2024 4 tweets 5 min read
🔥Biden's medical exam from February.
OMG He is healthier than most of us.

"Height: 72 inches
Weight: 178 lbs
Body Mass Index (BMI): 24.1
Blood Pressure: 132/78
Pulse: 64
Respiratory Rate: 14
Temperature: 98.6 F
Pulse oximetry: 98%"

And the Neurological Exam found NOTHING.
So can we put this to bed and move forward?

He has the following issues.
+ Afib (controlled and asymptomatic)
+ Sleep Apnea w/ CPAP
+ Arthritis (Spine, Hip, and Foot He Broke)
+ Gastro Reflux
+ Neuropathy in the feet (No known cause)

That's about all of it.

✅ Summary.
"This patient's current medical considerations are detailed as above, and remain stable andwell-controlled. They include obstructive sleep apnea, a-fib with normal ventricular response, hyperlipidemia, gastroesophageal reflux, seasonal allergies, spinal arthritis and sensory peripheralneuropathy of the feet. For these, he takes three common prescription medications and threecommon over-the-counter medications.President Biden is a healthy, active, robust 81-year-old male, who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency."


✅ "Height: 72 inches, Weight: 178 lbs, Body Mass Index (BMI): 24.1 Blood Pressure: 132/78, Pulse: 64, Respiratory Rate: 14, Temperature: 98.6 F, Pulse oximetry: 98%

"Physical exam is essentially unchanged from baseline.Head, ears, eyes, nose and throat are normal. He has no enlarged lymph nodes or goiter.Lungs are clear."

✅ It included a full neurological exam. Nothing found.
"An extremely detailed neurologic exam was again reassuring in that there were no findings whichwould be consistent with any cerebellar or other central neurological disorder, such as stroke,multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's or ascending lateral sclerosis, nor are there any signs of cervicalmyelopathy. This exam did again support a finding of peripheral neuropathy in both feet. No motorweakness was detected. He exhibits no tremor. either at rest or with activity. He demonstratesexcellent fine motor dexterity."

✅ The most significant issue he had is afib and that is asymptomatic.

✅ He also has arthritis in his spine, hip, and in the foot that he broke which is why he has a stiffer gait.
"A combination of significant spinal arthritis, post-fracture foot arthritis and a sensory peripheralneuropathy of the feet are the explanation for the subtle gait changes which I was investigating. Thisassessment is unchanged.• The President did note some increased left hip discomfort with activity recently. Clinical examwas normal except for decreased range of motion. Radiographs reveal mild arthritic changes. Thisis most certainly also contributing to his stiffened gait. No additional treatment is warranted, otherthan his ongoing physical therapy.

✅ He is also doing Physical Therapy.
"Physical Therapy and exercise prescription will continue to focus on general flexibility andproprioceptive maintenance maneuvers. These focus on lower extremity strengthening and corestability. We have added a more intensive stretching routine to the President's exerciseprescription. and he has been regularly participating in this program at least four to five times a week."

✅ And his cough and clearing throat issue are from gastroreflux.
"President Biden experiences occasional symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, primarily having toclear his throat more often. This may also contribute to occasional cough and sinus congestion. Hissymptoms are typically exacerbated shortly after meals. This has been worked up extensivelyduring previous health assessments."

✅ And he has Sleep Apnea and uses a CPAP.
"Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) effects over 30 million Americans and is readily treatedwith Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) as first line therapy. Most people do experience somedifficulties getting used to falling asleep while wearing a mask on their face, as well as with keepingit on throughout the night. This is reasonably anticipated and, in fact, should be expected. ThePresident had a very similar experience. But with trials of several different masks, we have beenable to identify a of couple products which fit him very comfortably and effectively. He has beenremarkably committed to sticking with therapy and uses PAP successfully almost every night. formost or all of the night.


🔺 NOTE these are the qualifications for the Doctors who did this series of assessments. including the Doctor who wrote this review.

"This physical has again included specialty consultation with several of our Presidential Specialty Consultants from the Walter ReedNational Military Medical Center. These specialties have included Optometry. Dentistry, Orthopedics (Foot and Ankle), Orthopedics (Spine), Physical Therapy, Neurology, Sleep Medicine,Cardiology, Radiology and Dermatology. Each of these specialists have independently reviewed thechart, examined the President, and concur with my findings and recommendations. I have alsosolicited feedback from my respected colleagues - the other physicians in the White House MedicalUnit, who see the patient every day. Each of these doctors has reviewed my report for accuracy.

My conclusions have been further informed through discussions with several of my fellow professorsfrom the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences."


@harryjsisson I watch you most days -- so appreciate what you and Parker and Chris do -- thought you would like this for a handy reference for your lives.
Apr 23, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
🔥#SEO Riddle me this!
New site page goes up
Ranks for branded terms 1st week
2nd week we see branded + query rankings

Then the page GOES AWAY.
Cannot be pulled up except with "URL.Domain"

BUT we see LinkedIn/FB pages linked to our page show up.

cc @johnMu @searchliaison

LI page even has our complete title tag and meta tag in form our own page -- 100% as written on our page complete with a pipe & DOMAIN.URL

We wait a few days, these pages stay, our page cannot be brought up.

So as an experiment, I create the same page but no index it ..

Nov 1, 2023 24 tweets 5 min read
@verge Publications love to write daming articles based on affiliate marketing, which uses SEO Techniques, but is not the SEO Industry. I know most of the people in the article, some very well. This was a very bad take on a very narrow slice of what SEO is about and what we do.

@verge Let's talk about the real SEO industry of which affiliates are a part, but not the main part or even a majority part.

I was creating and coding websites in 2004 when I discovered SEO. I was looking for something new to get into ..
May 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
In the 80s it was the "Take America Back for Christ" movement. @Frank_Schaeffer has talked about it extensively!

Here is the site that explains everything @jennycohn1 is talking about this was the plan.

(or read The Family)

Image Website outlines the 4 major topics for the #Dominionists & how they would reform the country and life here.

Reads like the laws of middle eastern countries.
Why? Because it is religious law.

Trump had a lot of Dominionists in his administration & in his court nominations. Image
Mar 5, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
🟥🧵👇 When @TuckerCarlson releases his cherry picked vid this week to support a false narrative? Watch this video & remind yourself this was #Jan6th & when watching look for the long shot of the crowd trying to barrel through the doors.


#DemCast And if that still leaves you unsure? Here's a playlist from YouTube from reporters & some on the ground videos made by peopJan6thle there -- to remind you of what really happened.…

Mar 4, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🟥👇 How inciteful can rhetoric be? This is an anecdotal story of my night at a hotel this week.

A thread 🧵

I was getting a little bit of food at the bar -- it was late † and the guy sitting next to me started repeating propaganda stories from right wing media.

The first one he told me is the second largest terrorist attack in history the United States occurred in Las Vegas at Christmas.

I live in Las Vegas so I knew that wasn't true and I mentioned that probably wasn't accurate. (It wasn't.)

Mar 3, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
.@MarriottBonvoy I had a problem the other night where my hotel room didn't exist because of overbooking. There were two great people at the desk around 11:00 at night to help me.

That's why I use you because there's customer service when I get there.

They took care of my room, they made sure my costs were refunded they even covered my Uber to the other hotel and the airport in the morning.

100% win. How could I be mad? My point being don't become one of those that use digital kiosks, but people for check-ins.

Mar 3, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
.@MySmithsGrocery haven't been into my regular store for a few months and come to see tons of changes going on, but instead of feeling homey it feels sterile & warehouse like. Hope the changes come out better than this. Overly bright. Sterile white lights. Looks like a @Walmart now and U hate shopping at a cheap Walmart. Sad that you think this is an improvement. Don't think I'll be coming here as much anymore. Only reason I hadn't been lately was i was getting delivery.

Really bad decision.
Feb 13, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
🟥👇 So those #SuperBowl #Jesus commercials? I actually don't really have issues with the commercials themselves. The messages are good. The problem is the people that are funding the group that's putting those messages together?

Funded by hate.
Then they donate to hate.

They give money they raise to the Servant group. Who funds religious hate.

Funders/Recipients? ALL RELIGIOUS HATE GROUPS. I do not mean they're a little hateful I mean they are HATE GROUPS disguised as religious groups.…

Feb 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
.@Lowes only see self checkout not seeing cashiers guess we'll see if I buy anything here or not today or if I leave the cart and go home cuz you're not paying me to check myself out. You had a very nice person offer to check me out but that's the last time I'm going to your stores if there's only self-service when I walk in in the middle of the day. I'll walk out. You should pay workers and not expect us to do the jobs that you don't want to pay for.
Jan 12, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
🟥👇Classified docs?
"Biden’s docs are like if you are shopping, grab a box of Oreos, but a brownie sticks to the box & ends up in your cart. You don't see it at checkout so you don't pay for it, but when you get home you see the brownie so you call the store & return it."

1/ We don't know #Biden had anything to do w the documents being where they were found.

Simple explanation? Staffers packed up offices & there were a classified documents mixed in w papers as they packed.

Should they have been there? No.
Does it mean something nefarious? No.

Oct 27, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
🟥👇 You know why they want our legislatures? Republicans are trying to get enough states to have a CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION

Then they get to REWRITE the CONSTITUTION.

They need 34
They have 29
And 9 are in play



#nvvotes22 #Nevada #LasVegas BTW Do you think that's going to be good for anyone but white straight Evangelical right wing men?

Pay attention to your state legislatures and vote blue.

This is a very real threat to the entire country.…

#Nevada #nvvotes22 #LasVegas
Oct 27, 2022 21 tweets 16 min read
Let's talk #Nevada Elections
& #AdamLaxalt


The 3 TIMES he's run they told Nevadan's not to vote for him AND this time they EVEN endorsed his opponent @SenCortezMasto

So why would you vote for a man whose own family won't?

#NVvotes22 #LasVegas

1/ Image Articles.
Laxalt's family tells Nevadans not to vote for him.


October this year.…

#VoteBlue #LasVegas #Reno
#nv #nvvotes22 #hendersonnv #DACA

2/ Image
Oct 26, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
.@AriMelber all right I love you and you are usually 100% right but when it comes to what Dall-e is you've missed him very important component it is not art nor it is copyrightable ...

Because it doesn't create anything. The camera gave the artist the ability to create composition and photography but the AI takes everyone else's work and makes derivatives in combinations. It does not create anything.

It's basically ripping people off.

Oct 21, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
.@elonmusk thinks it's funny to buy & destroy @Twitter & I will mourn it's death.

Twitter is special among platforms.

It's truly where humanity meets inside happenstance to create new destinies.

We helped Iranian protestors here in 2009. Transferring messages in & out of the country.

I was part of a citizen rescue effort during Hurricane Harvey. Over 10k saved.

So many important moments that changed fates.

I lived in the worlds of...

Jul 26, 2022 25 tweets 11 min read
"Take America Back for Christ" was a movement in the 1980s to bring Theocracy to the US.

Dominionists wrote out their plans, documents that outline their world vision.

BTW Dominionism=Christian Nationalism

Start 🟥👇…

Story… Don't think because these are from 1989/99 they don't matter. This was a massive movement & this is where they are still headed, just maybe not as organized under the C(oalition)O(n)R(evival) as they were, but these are not fringe they represent current doctrine.

Who is COR?
May 26, 2022 24 tweets 11 min read
We need to talk about the bastardization of the 2A by the #GOP, the NRA, & the captured Supreme Court.

The INDIVIDUAL right to own a gun was NOT given by the Founding Fathers.

Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice Burger 1991.

#gunlaws #Texas

His words...

"The gun lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American people by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime....

Keep Reading 👇🏼

#NRA @MomsDemand #MomsDemand
May 6, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
🧵Know his name -- Peter Thiel.
Because right now? He is the f*ckery that is going to be the biggest part of the 2022 elections & you have probably not heard much about him.

🌞Time for some of the disinfectant known as sunshine - for your reading.… And now about Peter Thiel.
"Who is Peter Thiel, the tech billionaire trying to push the U.S. to the right?"…
Mar 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
.@MSNBC your audio keeps cutting in and out every few seconds. Really annoying :( In the hearing.. for SCOTUS
Mar 20, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
.@Google @googleanalytics here's a quick down and dirty.

No small to medium sized business can use #G4. End of story.

So either admit that you don't care about it so we could just move on or let us know if you're going to fix it because right now it is not a viable option.

You have a massive disconnect between your teams and what your users actually have as far as internal s talent to work with your products or use just decided you don't care about SMBs anymore which is fine then let us know so we can find something else.
