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Sep 24, 2020, 15 tweets

There are close to 200 people gathered at the Oregon Capitol to protest for Breonna Taylor, following the grand jury decision in her case. Follow along for live updates. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

“We need to make changes now, not after we have our own Breonna Taylor, not after we have our own Kenosha moment,” Julianne Jackson, a Black community leader, said. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

The crowd is on the move. They are marching down Court St. and chanting. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

The crowd has paused in the middle of Court St so that people at the end can catch up. They are chanting “Black Lives Matter.” #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

The crowd is marching again and chanting “Say her name, Breonna Taylor.” #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

The crowd is now marching up Chemeketa St. Protestors are chanting “All cops are bastards.” #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

The crowd is now marching on the Capitol Mall. They are chanting “No cops, no prisons, total abolition,” “Say her name, Breonna Taylor,” and “Black Lives Matter.” #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

The crowd is back at the Oregon Capitol steps. Someone just thanked everyone for being here and for marching. Protestors are now standing around chatting. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

Someone is playing “Stand Up” by Cynthia Erivo. The crowd continues to talk among themselves. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

Protesters are writing in chalk on the wall of the Capitol Building. This message reads “BLM” and “No Justice, No Peace.” Someone also left flowers. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

The messages are written across the front of the Capitol. They include “Black Lives Matter,” “Breonna Taylor,” “ACAB,” “We Need Our Elected Officials to Lead,” “Enough is Enough,” and more. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor

Four consecutive chalk messages go after members of the embattled Salem-Keizer School Board, Directors Bethell, Lippold, Kyllo and Heyen. Community members have called on all four of them to resign. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests

There’s about 3 dozen people left at the Capitol and someone just brought out their pet possum. It is quite popular with the remaining protestors. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor

There are dozens of messages chalked on the side of the Oregon Capitol now and it is pouring down rain as the last of the crowd mills about. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

Ok folks! The protest is over and almost everyone has left, so I’m heading home. The story and photos will be posted tomorrow. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #salemprotests #BreonnaTaylorprotests #blmprotests #salemor #clypiancoverage

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