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Gvmt Policy: ditch evidence, data and economics. It's populism you mugs, no plans needed; no one cares if it works: no one cares if it got done. UK ⏩🍌Republic

Sep 24, 2020, 10 tweets

Recently, some ex remainers have argued "Remain" ended in January. Excepting some niche legal arguments, it might seem, on the surface, that grammar is on their side. You must rejoin before you remain.

I have two questions.
1. Are they right?
2. If so, what replaces the name?

1. Are they Right? Is Remain Over?
Let's take this apart, because like everything, there's probably more to it.

a) Grammar - superficially if Remain means the goal to Remain in the EU, they're right.

But is that not defining Remain as the opposite of Leave?
Is that correct?

There's another interpretation. Remain and Leave are not opposites, they are different.
In the same way, that an apple is NOT the opposite of a cow.

Leave = A Goal
remain = A statement or preference

What, I'm talking boll0cks, and you don't get it? Let me add

Since the argument is grammatical, then for the record, Leave is an imperative whereas remain is a set of questions, often including a preference.

One said "OUT! NOW!"

The other,

"I don't think you know how to leave,
or how long you need to do it well
or whether it'll be good
or what we'll loose

Until you do, remain is more stable"
Of course there were other things - but that was what united

And then it evolved

PARTISANS said there was no compromise or compatibility. They would.
But under better leadership, that's not inevitable.
In fact in business, science, law incompatible positions evolve through negotiation.
To IMPROVE the result for all.

Like this

So I'm coming down AGAINST the Grammatical argument.
Because it relies on a definition I don't share.

Define remain based on LEAVE and you miss the MOST crucial point we failed to resolve and must all learn.

We've forgotten that our system uses opposition to IMPROVE plans.

That was 1a), and I'd hardly be honouring the above if I didn't consider the others.

I'll save you the slides.
1b) Yes, providing an enemy for the tyrants is unwise.
1c) Yes having no position on where to go next looks pig headed, stubborn

Those are also good arguments.

I don't have a "new" remain
I can't say where to go from this chaos

I will hold chaos makers to account
I know HOW this happened

and the SENTIMENT of remain
WAS right
IS needed

What's the plan?

WHat Is the Plan?

NOT a replacement.
A question to ask.
An alert if not answered

Really everyone. Ask "What is the plan" this time.
Because they really don't have one


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