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Public Policy Ed for @ft. DMs open. BOOK: What Went Wrong with Brexit:

Sep 24, 2020, 5 tweets

Absolutely glowing @MakeUK_ statement from Manufacturers boss Stephen Phipson on @RishiSunak #COVID19 statement. Seems to have hit the spot.

@MakeUK_ @RishiSunak And more of the same from British Chambers of Commerce @BCCAdam here /2

@MakeUK_ @RishiSunak @BCCAdam And the aviation/aerospace groups @ADSgroupUK also welcoming, with caveats...echoed by MakeUK also. /3

@MakeUK_ @RishiSunak @BCCAdam @ADSgroupUK The @The_IoD Institute of Directors is slightly more qualified, noting "gaps" for self-employed and small company directors. /4

@MakeUK_ @RishiSunak @BCCAdam @ADSgroupUK @The_IoD And even grudging approval from the "other side of the ledger" - the @the_tpa /5

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