How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App get you can argue over the quantum of #brexit impact -- Springford model says -5.5% GDP, Portes reckons that fees too high, says thinks -2.5%...Jessop said -1%, but transitory...but "nothing" surely doesn't pass the sniff-test (to quote Gudgen on Springford's Doppelgangers /2 concludes that Brexit has had no real impact on UK economy. And talk about Brexit masks real reason for productivity crunch. OBR, Bank of England, CER etc and BBC/FT that report these studies are distracting. sides are talking about a "step by step" approach and expecations of a "big bang" deal, as @tconnellyRTE reported yesterday are reasonably low, certainly before the Jan 19 deadline for fresh elections in Northern Ireland /2