Paul Mason Profile picture
Journalist, The New European (he, him). Vote Labour!

Sep 24, 2020, 7 tweets

Sunak has written a weird existentialist letter to Tory members ... implicitly promising no second lockdown and to "make it up as we go along" let's dechypher... 1/

2/ Sunak signalling the economy will come first, public health second... it's Dom's "let em die" line all over again... and notice the far right trope in the word "liberate" ...

3/ "liberate" is a dog whistle to the MAGA/QAnon creeps who are everywhere on the plebeian right... not just to traditional Tory libertarians ...

4/ "I've just inadvertently subsidised the takeoff of a pandemic Second Wave that is going to dwarf the first one and I was "not wrong" ....

5/ Sunak translated: I am going to veto a second lockdown but I have no idea therefore how to stop the virus ... Tory appetite for public health downside risk is boundless ...

6/6 It's not our fault if we start hitting six figure death toll, it's yours, thank you, goodnight and here's a nice portrait of me paid for by the taxpayer...

7/ I finally worked out whose prose style Sunak is channelling here...

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