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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Sep 25, 2020, 8 tweets

What does #LeningradLindsey Graham desperate crying on Fox tell us about the GENERAL race in November?

We ALREADY heard that Trump campaign is broke. It means Putin is NOT funding Trump this cycle. Big GOP donors have abandoned Trump (because they know he will lose)

Now Lady G?

As #LeningradLindsey admits his campaign is in financial trouble, and Trump admits same - it means ALL Republican campaigns are feeling the same squeeze

Think about THIS McTurtle. He is PRETENDING all is fine, but Amy McGrath is scaring the wax out of our McTurtle

If the two highest-profile Republicans, Trump & Lady G are in financial trouble SIX WEEKS before election day, it means ALL other Republicans ARE feeling a serious squeeze.

So help Amy McGrath @AmyMcGrathKY defeat #MoscowMitch McTurtle. She is within striking distance

As #LeningradLindsey Graham & Trump cry about running out of money, then all Republicans are in that boat. It includes Joni Ernst (R) in Iowa.

She has already fallen BEHIND our Theresa Greenfield @GreenfieldIowa who will become the next Senator from Iowa, please support Theresa

As Trump & #LeningradLindsey bitch about having run out of money, it means WE ARE RUNNING UP THE SCORE. Like in Senate race for Colorado, where Cory Gardner (R) has fallen behind.

Our guy is John Hickenlooper @Hickenlooper - support him, we need to take the Senate with big wave

With Trump & #LeningradLindsey out of money six weeks before election day, it tells us there is a massive blue wave building. It means ALL Repulsicans are in trouble like Thom Tillis (R) in North Carolina

Our guy is Cal Cunningham @CalforNC ALREADY AHEAD in the race! Pls support

With #LeningradLindsey Graham crying on Fox he's out of money and Trump weeping that same sad tune, it means ALL in GOP: Guardians Of Putin - are in dire straits.

We are AHEAD in Arizona! support Mark @CaptMarkKelly

We are AHEAD in Maine! support Sara @SaraGideon

Six weeks...

As Trump & Lady G moan about being out of money, it means ALL GOP races are in trouble. We have GREAT chance with:

Georgia Perdue (R) vs Jon Ossoff @Ossoff

Montana Daines (R) vs Steve Bullock @stevebullockmt

Texas Cornyn (R) vs MJ Hegar @MJHegar

ALL of these are now close!!

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